Special Events www.surrey.ca/events
Mark the Date! Come join the fun at one of our five major festivals throughout the year. The city also hosts numerous local community events in each town centre. All of our events are family friendly, accessible and very often, free! For a complete listing go online, sign-up for E-news or follow us through Social Media. Social Media KEEP UP-TO-DATE ON THE LATEST HAPPENINGS Connect and share using your favourite social media tool. Get the latest alerts, and the information and help you need quickly and easily.
August 26 Friday 11am-2pm Park Play Wrap-up Picnic Holly Park 10706 148 Street Celebrate the end of the Park Play season with free snacks (while supplies last), bouncy castles, face painters and much more! Visit www.surrey.ca/parks, email partnersinparks@surrey.ca or call 604-501-5050 for more info.
Sep-Nov Fridays Family Nights at Don Christian Don Christian Recreation Centre
FAMILY FUN NIGHT Friday, September 9
Drop in for crafts, music and games!
FAMILY SPORT NIGHT Friday, November 11 5:30pm-7:30pm Join us for stadium snacks, sports trivia and sports stations!
Sep - Nov 10am-2pm Discovery Day Monday, September 26 Friday, October 21 Thursday, November 10 Drop-in Surrey Nature Centre
September Sat 11am-3pm Darts Hill Garden Saturday Strolls 1633 170 Street www.dartshill.ca
All ages
www.surrey.ca/naturecentre Kick start your nature adventure with a Nature Guide in our Sky Room stocked with books, puppets, natural materials and opportunities for hands-on exploration. Stay, play and learn, then head outside to extend your adventure with discoveries in the forest. Sep - Nov Fridays 5pm-7pm Family Nights at Cloverdale Cloverdale Recreation Centre FAMILY FUN NIGHT Friday, September 16 Enjoy an evening of snacks, crafts and activities! PUMPKIN CARVING Join us for a fun night of treats, Halloween crafts and pumpkin carving! F 5:00pm-7:00pm Oct 28 4496420 FAMILY SPORT NIGHT Friday, November 18 Games for all ages and skill levels. Test your sports trivia!
partnersinparks@surrey.ca Enjoy Darts Hill, one of the premier gardens in the Lower Mainland. The garden will be open every Saturday in September. Wander the meandering paths and explore this unique garden with an ever-changing cascade of colour. Sorry, no pets please except registered assistance dogs This is a large hillside garden with limited wheelchair access. September 7 & 21 5:30-7:30pm Wed Wild Wednesdays Drop-in All ages www.surrey.ca/naturecentre Join us mid-week for a nature break. Bring the whole family to discover your wild neighbours and explore Green Timbers Park. Outdoor activities vary each session. Rain or shine. September 10 11am-3pm Fleetwood Festival Francis Park, 15951 83 Ave Join us for the 18th Annual Fleetwood Festival. Enjoy a wide variety of performers and children's activities including bouncy castles, face painting, crafts, sports, games, and much more! Surrey Nature Centre 604-502-6065
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