Fitness & Wellness
Osteoarthritis Fitness Focus is on joint stability, posture, light resistance training and safe stretching. CLOVERDALE 5 Sessions $32.75 Tu 11:00am-12noon Oct 4 4488475 F 11:00am-12noon Oct 7 4489702 Tu 11:00am-12noon Nov 8 4489012 F 11:00am-12noon Nov 18 4489703 CLOVERDALE 4 Sessions $26.25 Tu 11:00am-12noon Sep 6 4488474 F 11:00am-12noon Sep 9 4489701 Cloverdale Recreation Centre SOUTH 12 Sessions $78.75 Tu 10:30am-11:30am Sep 20 4486637 Th 10:30am-11:30am Sep 22 4486636 South Surrey Recreation & Arts Centre program designed by the BC Women’s Hospital & Health Centre. Safe for people with osteoporosis and low bone mass of all ability levels and incorporates progression designed to improve bone health, muscle strength and balance. NEWTON 6 Sessions Member $29.50 Non-member $39.50 M 9:45am-10:45am Sep 12 4488751 M 9:45am-10:45am Nov 7 4488752 NEWTON 7 Sessions Member $34.50 Non-member $46 W 9:45am-10:45am Sep 14 4488753 W 9:45am-10:45am Nov 2 4488754 Newton Seniors' Centre Osteofit - Level 1 A gentle exercise program designed by the BC Women’s Hospital & Health Centre, which is safe for people with osteoporosis and low bone mass. Focus is to improve strength, quality of life and reduce the risk of falls and fractures for those new to exercise. GUILDFORD 9 Sessions Member $44.25 Non-member $59 Tu, Th 1:00pm-2:00pm Nov 1 4488076 GUILDFORD 8 Sessions Member $39.50 Non-member $52.50 Tu, Th 1:00pm-2:00pm Sep 6 4488074 Tu, Th 1:00pm-2:00pm Oct 4 4488075 GUILDFORD 6 Sessions Member $29.50 Non-member $39.50 Th, Tu 1:00pm-2:00pm Dec 1 4488077 Guildford Recreation Centre Osteofit - Level 2 An ongoing exercise program designed by the BC Women’s Hospital & Health Centre, which is safe for those with osteoporosis and low bone mass. Focus is to improve balance, muscle strength and functional abilities. Participants must complete Osteofit Level 1 or have been screened by the instructor prior to registration. GUILDFORD 9 Sessions Member $44.25 Non-member $59 W, M 10:30am-11:30am Nov 2 4488080 GUILDFORD 8 Sessions Member $39.50 Non-member $52.50 M, W 10:30am-11:30am Oct 3 4488079 GUILDFORD 7 Sessions Member $34.50 Non-member 46 W, M 10:30am-11:30am Sep 7 4488078 GUILDFORD 6 Sessions Member $29.50 Non-member $39.50 M, W 10:30am-11:30am Dec 5 4488081 Guildford Recreation Centre Osteofit for Life An ongoing exercise maintenance
Arthritis Joint Works
Meditation Develop consciousness and awareness using meditation techniques. GUILDFORD 10 Sessions $65.50 W 5:45pm-6:45pm Sep 28 4487682 Guildford Recreation Centre SOUTH 11 Sessions $72.25 M 8:15pm-9:15pm Sep 19 4486624 SOUTH 10 Sessions $65.50 Su 9:15am-10:15am Sep 25 4486625 Kwomais Point Park program between the BC Alzheimer’s Society and the City of Surrey. This program offers 45 minutes of fitness followed by an hour of social interaction. Participants register with a care partner. GUILDFORD 9 Sessions Member $33.25 Non-member $44.25 Tu 1:15pm-2:00pm Sep 20 4488082 Guildford Recreation Centre Falls & Injury Prevention Workshop Falling can cause injury and loss of mobility and independence, and this is the sixth leading cause of death in seniors. One in three adults over the age of 65 falls at least once per year. A Fraser Health staff member will provide tips and tricks on how falls can be reduced or prevented. CLOVERDALE 1 session TU 10:30am-12noon Sep 13 4499831 Cloverdale Recreation Centre This peer-lead six-session workshop helps people living with chronic pain manage their symptoms and daily activities. Topics include pacing activity and rest, managing fatigue/ sleep, medications, goal setting and communicating with health care providers. Caregivers are welcome to attend. For more information visit the website www.selfmanagementbc.ca or call 604-940-1273 or 1-866-902-3767. CLOVERDALE 6 Sessions Tu 1:00pm-3:30pm Oct 4 4495013 Cloverdale Recreation Centre This peer-lead six-session workshop teaches the skills to manage the daily challenges of living with Diabetes. Topics include discussions and strategies for healthy eating, exercise, dealing with stress, difficult emotions, goal setting and communicating with health care providers. Caregivers are welcome to attend. For more information visit the website www.selfmanagementbc.ca or call 604-940-12736 or 1-866-902-3767. CLOVERDALE 6 Sessions Th 6:00pm-8:30pm Sep 22 4499628 Cloverdale Recreation Centre Minds in Motion ‘Minds in Motion’ is a partnership Chronic Pain Self-Management Living A Healthy Life With Diabetes
Choose to Move This free program for seniors ages 65 and up is designed to motivate participants and connect them to physical activity programs in their community. Participants will also learn about cost effective seniors programs with Surrey Recreation. The group will meet with an Activity Coach and other participants four times over a period of 6 months to discuss how their physical activity plans are progressing, learn about healthy living topics and shared lessons. Participants will also meet one-on-one with an activity coach at the start of the program to develop a physical activity plan customized to each participants needs, interests and abilities. There will also be regular one on one check ins with the activity coach by phone. In addition, participants have the opportunity to enroll in the new and FREE ActivAge older adult fitness class as part of their physical activity plan. GUILDFORD 6 Sessions 65yrs+ M 10:00am Sep-Mar 4494087 Guildford Recreation Centre SOUTH 12 Sessions 65yrs+ Tu 1:30pm Sep-Mar 4486889 South Surrey Recreation & Arts Centre ActivAge This fun and friendly program consists of twelve 1-hour group fitness sessions (one class per week for 12 weeks). For more information contact Paul at Guildford Recreation Centre: 604-591-4118 Tara-Lee at South Surrey Recreation Centre: 604-592-6979 There are 2 separate ActivAge classes and each has a different focus. Register for ONE option only: OPTION 1 The focus is on functional exercises focused on improving activities of daily living, strengthening muscles used day- to-day GUILDFORD 12 Sessions 65yrs+ W 9:00am-10:00am Sep 14 4494088 Guildford Recreation Centre SOUTH 12 Sessions 65yrs+ Th 1:30pm-2:30pm Sep 8 4486890 South Surrey Recreation & Arts Centre OPTION 2 The focus is on individuals who would like to become more involved with other 65yrs+ W 10:15am-11:15am Sep 14 4494089 Guildford Recreation Centre SOUTH 12 Sessions 65yrs+ Th 2:45pm-3:45pm Sep 8 4486891 South Surrey Recreation & Arts Centre activity programs or sports. GUILDFORD 12 Sessions
Joint Works is a recreational exercise program designed specifically for people with arthritis. The instructor is a fitness professional specifically trained in arthritis exercise technique. NEWTON 14 Sessions Member $69 Non-member $91.75 Tu, Th 10:15am-11:15am 13 Sep 4489683 NEWTON 13 Sessions Member $64 Non-member $85.25 Tu, Th 10:15am-11:15am Nov 1 4489684 Newton Seniors' Centre Fitness class specifically designed for those with arthritis. The program and instructor are approved by the Arthritis Society. NEWTON 14 Sessions Member $69 Non-member $91.75 Tu, Th 11:30am-12:30pm Sep 13 4489691 NEWTON 13 Sessions Member $64 Non-member $85.25 Tu, Th 11:30am-12:30pm Nov 1 4489692 Newton Seniors' Centre Arthritis Joint Works - Level 2 Cardiac Rehabilitation Program: Low-Moderate Risk This program is for individuals living with or at high risk of heart disease. Supervised by a cardiac exercise specialist and a cardiac nurse. Doctor’s referral required. GUILDFORD 9 Sessions $85 Th, Tu 1:00pm-2:30pm Sep 1 4488083 Tu, Th 1:00pm-2:30pm Nov 1 4488085 GUILDFORD 8 Sessions $85 Tu, Th 1:00pm-2:30pm Oct 4 4488084 GUILDFORD 6 Sessions $85 Th, Tu 1:00pm-2:30pm Dec 1 4488086 Guildford Recreation Centre NEWTON 8 Sessions $85 F, W 11:00am-12:30pm Sep 2 4486718 W, F 11:00am-12:30pm Oct 5 4486719 W, F 11:00am-12:30pm Nov 2 4486728 F, W 11:00am-12:30pm Dec 2 4486729 Newton Recreation Centre Cardiac Rehabilitation Program: Maintenance This course is designed for those individuals that have progressed from the Cardiac Rehab Level 2 program s. GUILDFORD 9 Sessions $60 Th, Tu 11:30am-1:00pm Sep 1 4488087 Th, Tu 2:30pm-4:00pm Sep 1 4488091 Tu, Th 11:30am-1:00pm Nov 1 4488089 Tu, Th 2:30pm-4:00pm Nov 1 4488094 GUILDFORD 8 Sessions $60 Tu, Th 11:30am-1:00pm Oct 4 4488088 Tu, Th 2:30pm-4:00pm Oct 4 4488092 GUILDFORD 6 Sessions $60 Th, Tu 11:30am-1:00pm Dec 1 4488093 Th, Tu 2:30pm-4:00pm Dec 1 4488090 Guildford Recreation Centre NEWTON 8 Sessions $60 F, W 9:00am-10:30am Sep 2 4486723 W, F 9:00am-10:30am Oct 5 4486724 W, F 9:00am-10:30am Nov 2 4486726 F, W 9:00am-10:30am Dec 2 4486727 Newton Recreation Centre
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