Adapted Programs www.surrey.ca/register Welcome!
Programs Floor Hockey
Registered Aqua-Fit For Life
Drop in floor hockey is offered in partnership with Community Living
This program incorporates low impact exercises that are designed to increase your physical fitness and progress swimming skills at an individual rate. Personal support staff are asked to attend if one to one support is required. Individuals with developmental disabilities: GUILDFORD 9 Sessions $47.75 19yrs+ W,M 11:30am-12noon Sep 7 4488982 W,M 11:30am-12noon Oct 12 4488984 GUILDFORD 10 Sessions $53.00 19yrs+ M,W 11:30am-12noon Nov 14 4488988 Individuals with physical disabilities: GUILDFORD 9 Sessions $47.75 19yrs+ W,M 12noon-12:30pm Sep 7 4488983 W,M 12noon-12:30pm Oct 12 4488985 GUILDFORD 10 Sessions $53.00 19yrs+ M,W 12noon-12:30pm Nov 14 4491207 Guildford Recreation Centre Supported swimming lessons for youth with disabilities, in a welcoming and inclusive environment. Staff support provided (1 staff: 1 participant), in partnership with SACL. Guildford 8 Sessions $64.50 13-18yrs Sa 11:15am-11:45am Sep 10 4490054 Sa 11:45am-12:15pm Sep 10 4490055 GUILDFORD 5 Sessions $41.75 13-18yrs Sa 11:15am-11:45am Nov 5 4490056 Sa 11:45am-12:15pm Nov 5 4490058 Guildford Recreation Centre FLEETWOOD 9 Sessions $64.50 13-18yrs Sa 11:15am-11:45am Sep 10 4491746 Sa 11:45am-12:15pm Sep 10 4491749 FLEETWOOD 5 Sessions $40.25 13-18yrs Sa 11:15am-11:45am Nov 19 4491751 Sa 11:45am-12:15pm Nov 19 4491753 Surrey Sport and Leisure Complex SOUTH 7 Sessions $56.50 13-18yrs Sa 11:30am-12noon Sep 10 4492137 Sa 12noon-12:30pm Sep 10 4492186 SOUTH 6 Sessions $40.75 13-18yrs Sa 11:30am-12noon Nov 5 4492204 Sa 12noon-12:30pm Nov 5 4492213 South Surrey Indoor Pool Social programs for children and youth. Best Me I Can Be 5-12 yrs Teen Community Awareness 13-19 yrs Clayton Hall 18513 70 Avenue, Surrey 604-746-4331 info@kidsmattercanada.com www.kidsmattercanada.com Program offered in Surrey - Not a registered or drop in PRC program. Aqua-Launchers – One To One
Accessibility and Inclusion offers a variety of programs and support for individuals with disabilities to get involved and take part in an active and healthy lifestyle. HEALTHY COMMUNITIES ACCESSIBILITY AND INCLUSION 604-598-5867 or 604-502-6321 13450 104 Avenue Fax: 604-502-6315 | inclusion@surrey.ca Check out some of our services! Supported and integrated programs for children, youth and adults with disabilities; Volunteer opportunities with the SPIRIT Volunteer Program; Volunteer support for recreation and leisure programs; Resources and referral services.
British Columbia. Participants must use the sticks that are provided. All abilities welcome. Drop in for $2.50 GUILDFORD Tuesdays, Ongoing 19yrs+ Tuesday, Ongoing 12:30pm-3:00pm Guildford Recreation Centre Your Place Social recreation program for adults with disabilities. Support staff are asked to attend, if one to one support is required. FLEETWOOD Drop in for $2.50 19yrs+ Wednesdays, Ongoing 6:30pm-8:30pm Fleetwood Community Centre
Community Partners
Offers support in recreation programs for children and youth with disabilities who typically meet one or more of the following criteria: Additional support or assistance is required at home and/or school for basic care. A physical, developmental and/or learning disability exists that effects the safety of the participant in a program. The participant is currently associated with a support agency.
I CAN HAVE PHYSICAL LITERACY www.canucksautism.ca | 604 685-4049 ext 212
Looking for the next step and more opportunities to get active in wheelchair tennis, wheelchair rugby and athletics? Contact BC Wheelchair Sports Association at info@bcwheelchairsports.com
A provincial crown agency that delivers supports and services to adults with developmental disabilities and their families in BC. CLBC works to create communities where people with developmental disabilities have more choices about how they live, work and contribute.
Looking for the next step and more opportunities to play wheelchair basketball? Contact BC Wheelchair Basketball Society at info@bcwbs.ca
Looking for the next step and more opportunities to play sledge hockey, power soccer and boccia? Visit the Sportability website www.sportabilitybc.ca
94 FALL 2016 WWW.SURREY.CA/RECREATION 604.501.5100
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