Make a Difference! Get involved in your community by volunteering. We’ve got a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for every age group. Meet new people, learn new skills and help make Surrey a great place to live.
This Fall YOU CAN...
Participate at Tree Lighting Festival On November 19th we’ll be lighting up our 55 foot tree and you can be a part of it! This magical festival brings over 15,000 people to enjoy great music, delicious
food trucks, and take pictures with Santa.
VOLUNTEER RESOURCES 604-598-5863 13450 104 Avenue Fax: 604-502-6315 | volunteer@surrey.ca
Become a Member OF OUR DYNAMIC TEAM! Application Process
Become a Zone Captain
Launched last spring, Zone Captains have a heightened responsibility and role during special events. This fall we will be hosting Zone Captain training for all those qualified and interested in this exciting leadership opportunity. To learn more contact the Volunteer Resources team.
To become a volunteer with the City of Surrey, you must successfully complete all of the application steps. Some areas have age requirements, please check those before applying. Apply online today. 1 Go to surrey.ca/volunteer and look through our Volunteer Opportunities. Find an area of interest and click, “apply now”. 2 Create your online profile through this area. If you already have an account, simply click, “log on”. With your username and password you will be able to join additional areas that are actively recruiting. 3 Once your online profile is saved, you will receive a welcome email with the next steps! These may include: a) Attending an interview. You will use your online account to sign-up for an interview time. Interviews are conducted monthly. b) Provide two references. Use the forms found under the “Files” section of your online account. These need to be filled out by persons other than family or friends. Simply upload them to your profile once complete! c) Police Information Check (PIC). After a) & b) are complete, you may be asked to provide a PIC. You will need to go to your local RCMP detachment with the forms we provide. Once completed, these forms will need to go to City Hall’s Human Resources department for processing. 4 Once you are approved you can volunteer! Sign-up for shifts online and track your hours! 5 Check for updates and stay in the know with upcoming Surrey events, workshops, and opportunities. With our online system you can create your profile and let us know the volunteer positions that interest you. Once approved, you can sign up for activities and print off a record of your volunteer hours. Check out our website to explore all the opportunities available.
Join our Adult Programs
Help newcomers improve their English during our English Conversation Classes, lead tours at City Hall, or participate in a senior’s lounge or kitchen. Our adult programs will begin to include knowledge transfer pieces that will be accessible to the community. To learn more and get involved contact Volunteer Resources.
96 FALL 2016 WWW.SURREY.CA/RECREATION 604.501.5100
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