Fall 2019 Recreation Guide
! Whether youwant toworkout in a fully equipped fitness centreor take agroup fitness class,we’re ready tohelp youmeet yourgoals, sevendays aweek.Our certified instructors canprovidepersonal training sessionsor simplyhelp you learn the equipment. GettingStarted Have you everwonderedwhat a yoga classwouldbe like?Are you new togroup fitness,or are comingback after ahiatusor injury? Wehavenumerous registered classes for thosepeoplewanting to try anew classor tograduallygetback into fitness. If you are looking toget startedwithweight and cardio equipment, ask aboutour fitness centreorientations.Certified trainerswillgive you the tips toget startedon a safe,balanced and effectiveworkout. PersonalTraining rsonalTraini g Our certifiedpersonal trainerswill create inspiring,highlypersonalized plansdesigned just for you!
rrey's inal admission
ese activities.
Surrey’s arenas are theplace to learn to skate,play hockey, figure skateor justhave fun atoneofour family skating events.Wehost recreationalhockey leagues for ages 6 years rightup to adult. Learn toSkate This Learn toSkateProgram isdesigned to introduce your child to thewonderful sportof ice skating in a fun and positive environment!Helmet and skate rentals available at an additional cost. HockeyPrograms Joinus for a fun and safe introduction toCanada’s NationalWinterSport!Our friendly instructorswillhelp you improve yourhockey fitness,balance, technique and levelofplay. Fromnovice to advanced, ages 3 + are welcome toparticipate inourprograms.Checkout the RecreationGuideorwww.surrey.ca./arenas formore information. BirthdayParties Celebrate your child’sbirthdaywith a skatingparty! See theRecreationGuideor checkonline formore information.
Only non-marking shoes may be worn in the gym. Wear appropriate gym attire: cleanT–shirts, shorts/sweat pants, clean athletic shoes
Preteen Youth
THEMED Skate Events
A free city-wide youth servicesmembership is required to access free youth servicesdrop-in activities.Themembership is valid forone year at allCityofSurrey locations.Signup at any recreation centre.
Drop-In WITHAFREEYOUTHMEMBERSHIP! You can signup for your free annualYouth Membership at any recreation centre.Membership gets you access to all the freedrop-in activities listed in thisguide.Activities include sports, cooking, breakdancing, crafts, videogames, foosball, andmore! MAKE YOUR IDEAS HAPPEN! Interested in something thatwedon'toffer?Have an idea for aprojector an event,butneed somehelpor support tomake ithappen?The youth staff in your community are looking toworkwith you. If youhave an idea for an activityor event,or are just looking for some free space toget togetherwith your friends for a smallproject, then contact your local recreation centre.We can'twait tohear from you! OngoingSessions (1 hour)
Single Semi-Private AquaticFitnessPrograms Workingout in apool is agreatway to exercise,whether you’renew to fitnessor advanced.Our shallowwater anddeepwaterprograms aredesigned todevelop fitness levelswhilebeing easyon joints. BirthdayParties Celebrate your child’sbirthdaywith apoolparty!See theRecreation Guideor checkonline formore information. $87.50 $87.50 (perperson) $58.25 $87.50/group $232.50 Make a Splash! There’s always lots happening atSurrey’s indoor pools. From leisure swims to special events, lessons, aquatic fitness andmore, your entire familywill get fit and have fun.Our facilities also have great amenities like hot tubs, sldes, children’s areas, saunas andmore.Check online to seewhat each facility offers.
No open toe shoes or sandals Be courteous and respectful Place belongings in lockers Turn cellular phones to silent mode
Challengeyourbody andmin of registeredprogramsanddr including:
Socialopportunities Culturalexperiences Healthandwellnessevents Educationalworkshops Bus tours Food services
Improve Your Skills We also offer a variety of registered sports programs for all ages and skill levels led by qualified instructors. If you’re new to sports, master basic movements and learn sports specific skills through our I AM Game sports readiness program. Check out our registered programs in the Recreation Guide at all facilities and online.
InitialConsultation (90minutes)
5SwipePass (for thepriceof4)
NO TIME FOR A REGISTERED PROGRAM? CSACERTIFIEDHELMETS AREMANDATORYFOR ICESKATINGLESSONS YOUTH LEADERSHIP Join in anddevelop valuable leadership skillsby making adifference in your community. $349.50/group Completionof theParQ+medical screening form is requiredbefore personal training sessionsbegin. 24hours advancenotification is required to cancelor re-schedule training sessions. BookyourDrop-inSpotOnline You can signup early forourmorepopulardrop-in fitness and sports classes,online,byphoneor inperson. Just look for this symbolbeside thedrop-in activity youwant to attend. CONNECTANDSHAREONS CIALMEDIA Facebook @TheCityofSurrey @surreybcrec FitnessCentreOrientations If you are looking toget startedwithweight and cardio equipment, ask aboutour fitness centre introductions.Certified instructorswill lead you through anorientationonhow toproperlyuse theweight and cardiomachines. Fordetailedprogram information anda list currentopportunities,visit surrey.ca/seniors byanyCityofSurrey recreation facility topick your copyof the latestRecreationGuideor seni monthlynewsletter.
Surrey LeadershipYouthCouncil Amie: 604-591-4709 AJohnson@surrey.ca @SurreyLibraries @HeritageSurrey @MuseumofSurrey @SurreyCanadaDay @SurreyCivicTheatres @Surr yFusionFestival
Book your spot as early as 9pm thenightbefore. Visitwww.surrey.ca/recreation > Find the facility youwant to visit. > Clickon the tabDrop-inSchedule [under facilityname]. > ClickExpandSchedule [green tab at the endof thedate row] > Clickprogramwith the symbol and clickSign-UpEarly. > ClickAdd, and input yourClient ID and FamilyPIN #. Or call 604-501-5100. Instagram @thecityofsurrey @StewartFarmBC @MuseumofSurrey @surreybcevents @surreybcrec @surreylibraries @surreyartgal LinkedIn @cityofsurrey Twitter @CityofSurrey @surreybcevents @SurreyMayor @surreylibrary @SurreyArtsCtre InitialConsultation (90minutes) OngoingSessions (1 hour)
Minimum age 13 yrs (ID required).Consult yourdoctorprior to beginning a fitnessprogram.TheCityofSurrey isnot responsible for lost, stolenordamaged items.A feewillb charged for lost locker keys. PersonalTraining rsonalTraining Our certifiedpersonal trainerswill create inspiring,highlypersonalized plansdesigned just for you!
DROP-IN FITNESS Fitness classesgeared towards the55+ agegroup areavailable atmost facilities.Fordrop-infitness, please refer toouronline schedulesorpickup the latestfitnessdrop-in scheduleat your local recreation centre.Note:55+membership isnot required fordrop-infitnessprograms.RegularCity Single
AllCityofSurrey Learn toSkate andHockeyprogram participants are required towear aCSA approved hockeyhelmetor snowboardhelmet.This includes Boots toBladesparticipants andparents.Helmets are mandatory for all children 12 andunderduringpublic sessions.Allparticipants 13 years andolder are strongly recommended towear aCSAhelmetwhileon the ice duringpublic sessions. Y.E.S. T.L.C S.Y.S.S Hoursofoperationandprogramsmaydifferonholidays and longweekends.Please lookonline for themost current informationor contact the facility to confirm. Schedules are subject to changewithoutnotice.
Skate Lessons
YouthEventsSquad youth@surrey.ca Teen LibraryCouncil 604-598-7359
1Session $34.25
BECOME A MEMBER Enjoy ahealthy lifestyleand connectwith othersata recreation centrenear you. Purchase aSeniorsServicesMembe ship toaccess specificactivities,events and services throughout the city.
4pm–4:30pm 4:30pm–5pm 4pm–4:30pm 4:30pm–5pm
1:45pm–2:15pm 2:15pm–2:45pm
Individual lessons forparticipants whowould likeoneonone instructions tomaster skill. Formore informationor to register contact theArena’s at 604-501-5881.
Wednesday Wednesday
PASSES ffer great value and access to recreation facilities including: s. its Annual or Monthly Adult 9–59yrs Senior** 60–69yrs 70yrs+
SurreyYouthStewardshipSquad 604-501-5167 stewardship@surrey.ca
5SwipePass (for thepriceof4)
ofSurreydrop-in feesapplywithAdult rate for 19–59 years andSenior rate for those 60+years. $87.50 $87.50 (perperson) $58.25
Drop-in Events & Programs July 1 Monday 10am-11pm Surrey’sCanadaDay YOUTH@SURREY.CA swimming facilitieswith flu-like symptomsoropen wounds Nobodyoils/lotionsorglass b ttlespermitted inpoolor surrounding areas Donot leavebelongings unattendedor inunlocked lockerswhile swimmingor showering Bathing attire for the swimming facilities should be clean andnotof street clothesnature Shoot hoops with the kids, try out a new sport and more. Look for the Fall Gymnasium Drop-in Schedule online or in recreation facilities starting August 19. 8:45am–1:15pm 5:15pm–7:15pm Tuesday 8:45am–1:15pm Wednesday 8:45am–1:15pm Thursday 8:45am–1:15pm Friday 6:15pm–8:15pm Saturday Closed Sunday 11:45am–4:30pm NorthSurreyArena 10275CityParkway 604–502–6300 HoursofOperation Monday toSunday 5am–12midnight FrontDeskHours Monday/Wednesday 6am–9pm Tuesday/Thursday 6am–10pm Friday 6am–10pm Saturday 7am–9pm Sunday 8am–9pm SouthSurreyArena 2199 148Street 604-502-6200 HoursofOperation Monday toSunday 6:30am–11:30pm FrontDeskHours Monday 8:45am–2pm 4:15pm–7pm Tuesday 8:45am–2pm Wednesday 8:45am–2pm 4:15pm–7pm Thursday Closed Friday 9:15am–12:45pm Saturday 10:30am–3:30pm Sunday Closed Thehoursofoperationare subject tochangewithout noticeandaredependent onbookingsateachof the individual facilities.The front deskhoursarealso subject to changeasoncertain statutory holidaysweareclosed. Hoursofoperationandprogramsmaydifferonholidays and longweekends.Please lookonline for themost current informationor contact the facility to confirm. ThanksgivingDay LongWeekend Sa–M Oct12 –Oct14 RemembranceDay LongWeekend Sa–M Nov9 –Nov11 Schedulesare subject to changewithoutnotice. surrey.ca/recreation 1000084 Value Time« 1 visit 1.75 2.75 3.50 Swipe Pass 10 visits 31.50 47.50 62.00 20 visits 56.00 84.00 111.00 meetprosandwinprizes,or cheer-on local young riders. Jun 8 ChuckBaileyYouthPark Jun 15 CloverdaleYouthPark Jul 1 CloverdaleYouthPark Jul 20 ChuckBaileyYouthPark Aug 10 SouthSurreyYouthPark Sep 7 CloverdaleYouthPark Detailsat surrey.ca/surreyrides 176Street& 64Avenue Fun for thewhole family! FeaturingheadlinerOur Lady Peace supportedbyBifNaked anda fireworks finaleat 10:30pm. July 20, 21 11am-10pm SurreyFusionFestival TheUltimateCelebration of Food,Music andCulture surreyfusionfestival.ca HollandP rk -SWCornerof KingGeorgeBlvd&OldYaleRd Takea triparound theworld inoneweekend!Experience authenticcultureandcuisineat 55pavilions,plus seeover 200 perfomers,dancersandartists acro s 7 stages. Fun for the whole family! LOOKING FOR MORE? CheckoutourRecreationGuideordrop-in schedules for information on swimming, skating, fitness centres andmoredrop-in sports times. Regular admissionwill apply. FitnessCentres Classes andDrop-ins are available for anyone 13 yearsor older.Refer toouronline schedulesorpick-up the latestdrop-in schedule at your local recre tion centre. SportsSpecificDrop-In Play your sportof choice.Specific sports times for soccer, basketball,badminton, andmore.Drop-in fee required. Skating&Swimming In addition to times that areopen to thepublic at large,many recreation centreshave time set aside for youth aswell. 5:30am–10pm Saturday,Sunday 7am–8pm FLEETWOOD FleetwoodCommunityCentre 1599684Ave 604-501-5 Monday to Friday 7am–9pm Saturday,Sunday 8am–5pm SurreySport& LeisureComplex 16555FraserHwy 604-501-5950 Monday toSaturday 5:30am–9pm Sunday 6am–9pm GUILDFORD FraserHeightsRecre tion entre 10588160St 604-592-6920 Monday to Friday 7am–10pm Saturday,Sunday 8am–8pm GuildfordRecreationCentre 15105105Ave 604-502-6360 Monday to Friday 6am–10pm Saturday,Sunday 8am–8pm WHALLEY BridgeviewCommunityCentre 11475126ASt 604-592-7081 Monday to Friday 9am–8pm Saturday 9am–2pm Sunday 10am–2pm ChuckBaileyRecreationCentre 13458107AAve 604-598-5898 Monday to Friday 9am–9p Saturday,Sunday 9am–5pm NorthSurreyRecreationCentre 10275CityPkwy 604-502-6300 Monday to Thursday 6am–9pm Tu, Th WomenOnly 9pm–10pm Friday 6am–10pm Saturday 7am–9pm Sunday 8am–9pm NEWTON NewtonRecreationCentre 1373072Ave 604-501-5540 FitnessCentre Monday,Wed esday 6am–10pm Tuesday, Thursday 6am–9:30pm Friday,Saturday 6am–9pm Sunday 8am–8pm WellnessCentre Monday,Wednesday 6am–8pm M,W Women only 8pm–10pm Tuesday, Thursday 6am–9:30pm Friday,Saturday 6am–9pm Sunday 8am–8pm SOUTHSURREY SouthSurrey Recreation&ArtsCentre 1460120Ave 604-592-6970 Monday to Friday 6am–10pm Saturday,Su day 8am–8pm GrandviewHei hts AquaticCent 1685524Ave 604-590-7800 Monday to Friday 6am–10pm Saturday,Sunday 6am–9pm SouthSurrey IndoorPool 1465517Ave 604-502-6220 Monday to Friday 6am–10pm Saturday,Sunday 7am–9pm 1000084 GetConnected Findoutwhat’shappening for seniors aroundSurrey at surrey.ca/seniors . Searchactivities,findevents,volunteer opportu ities,drop-inprogramsandmore! Hoursofoperationandprogramsmaydifferonholidays and longweekends.Please lookonline for themost current informationor contact the facility to confirm. ThanksgivingDay LongWeekend Sa–M Oct12 –Oct14 RemembranceDay LongWeekend Sa–M Nov9 –Nov11 Schedulesare subject to changewithoutnotice. FLEETWOOD SurreySport& LeisureComplex 16555FraserHwy 604-501-5950 Monday toSaturday 5:30am–9:30pm Sunday 6am–9:30pm Holidays 8am–8pm GUILDFORD GuildfordRecreationCentre 15105 105Ave 604-502-6360 Monday to Friday 6am–10pm Saturday andSunday 6am–8pm Holidays 8am– pm NEWTON NewtonRecreationCentre 13730 72Ave 6 4-501-5540 Monday/Wednesday 6am–8pm M,W WomenOnly pm–9:30pm Tuesday/Thursday 6am–9:30pm Friday 6am–9pm Saturday 8am–9pm Saturday WomenOnly 6am–7:45am Sunday/Holidays 8am–8pm NORTHSURREY NorthSurreyRecreationCentre 10275CityParkway 604-502-6300 Monday to Thursday 6am–9pm Thursday WomenOnly 9pm–10pm Friday 6am–9pm Saturday 7am–8pm Sunday 8am–8pm Holidays 8am–4pm SOUTHSURREY GrandviewHeights AquaticCentre 16855 24Ave 604-590-7800 Monday- Friday 6am–10pm Saturday andSunday 6am–9pm Holidays 8am–8pm SouthSurrey IndoorPool 14655 17Ave 604-502-6220 Monday - Friday 6am–10pm Saturday andSunday 7am–9pm Holidays 8am–4pm Have a cleansing shower prior to enteringpool area Hoursofoperationandprogramsmaydifferonholidays and longweekends.Please lookonline for themost current informationor contact the facility to co firm. ThanksgivingDay LongWeekend Sa–M Oct12 –Oct14 RemembranceDay LongWeekend Sa–M Nov9 –Nov11 Schedulesare subj ct to changewithoutnotice. 1000084 OperatingHours CloverdaleArena 6090176Street 604-502-6410 HoursofOperation Monday toSunday 5:15am–11:45pm FrontDeskHours Monday 9:15am–1:45pm Tuesday 9:15am–1:45pm Wednesday 9:15am–1:45pm 3pm–5:30pm Thursday 9:15am–1:45pm Friday 6pm–8:30pm Saturday 12:30pm–3:30pm Sunday 12:15pm–3:15pm NewtonArena 7120136BStreet 604–501–5044 HoursofOperation Monday–Sunday 6am–12midnight FrontDeskHours Monday SurreySport& LeisureArena 110 –16555FraserHwy 604-501-5881 HoursofOperation Monday toSunday 5am–12midnight FrontDeskhours Monday 9am–7:30pm Tuesday 7:30am–7:30pm Wednesday 9am–7:30pm Thursday 7:30am–4pm Friday 9am–4pm Saturday 9:30am–12:15pm Sunday 9:15am–2:15pm 47.50 84.00 June–September 12pm−6pm SurreyRides: All-WheelsEvents SurreyYouthParks Enterbydonation to fo dbank Compete in thisevent serieswith your skateboard,bikeor scooter. Participate in thecompetitions, surrey.ca/canadaday BillReidMillennium Amphitheatre CLOVERDALE CloverdaleRecreationCentre 6188176St 604-598-7960 Monday to Friday Hoursofoperationandprogramsmaydifferonholidays and longweekends.Please lookonline for themost current informationor contact the facility to confirm. ThanksgivingDay LongWeekend Sa–M Oct12 –Oct14 RemembranceDay LongWeekend Sa–M Nov9 –Nov11 Schedulesare subject to changewithoutnotice. surrey.ca/recreation ArenaRentals Need some extrapractice iceordry floor?Tobook todayCall 604-501-5881. DROP-IN ADMISSIONS&PASSES Our varietyof admissions andpassesoffergreat value and access to alldrop-in activities valid at anyofour recreation facilities including: pools, arenas,gyms and fitness centres. RecreationPass UnlimitedVisits AnnualorMonthly Type Term Child/Youth 2–18yrs Student* Adult 19–59yrs Senior** Family‡ 60–69yrs 70yrs+ Recreation Pass 1year $262.00 $392.75 $523.75 $392.75 $131.00 $1047.25 1month 35.75 53.75 71.50 53.75 18.00 143.00 Admissions SingleorMulti-Visit Type Term Child/Youth 2–18yrs Student* Adult 19–59yrs Senior** Family‡ 60–69yrs 70yrs+ Drop-in 1 visit $ 3.50 $ 5.25 $ 7.00 $ 5.25 $ 1.75 $ 3.50^ Swipe Pass 10 visits 31.50 20 visits 56.00 WantToDo ItAll? Purchasean annualRecreationPass for seniors andwe’ll throw in aSeniorServices Membership for free! Foractive seniorson thego, theRecreation Passis for thosewhowant todrop-in for swimming,fitness classes,fitness centre, gyma tivitesand skatingatall recreation centres in the city. No spitting in thepool, surrounding areaor changeroom No running, fightingor engaging in actions likely to cause an injury Divingpermitted in approved areas Useof cellphones arenot permittedon thepooldeckor changing areas Lifejackets are availableupon request Wheel chairs are available upon request H2O chair available to assist th se inneed Swimming lessons and Aquatic fitness services are available 2.75 47.50 84.00 16.00 28.00 N/A PaymentOptions Surreyoffersmonthlypaymentoptions for the annualRecreation Pass.Makepaymentsusing automaticdebitor credit card.Skip the lineup andbuy your annual,monthlyor swipepassesonline. * Rates only apply for accredited post-secondary institutions and require proof of student ID. ** Includes a complimentarySeniorsServicesMembership. ‡ Includes amaximum of two adults and unlimited dependent children 18 years or younger. ^ Per familymember (minimum one parent/guardian and one dependent child 18 years or younger). « Offered at some facilities during non-prime times. If a facility offers value time itwill be indicated on the drop-in schedule for that facility. Fitness Centre Our state-of-the-art fitness centres are equippedwith an assortmentof the latest cardio andweight equipment. Look online for adetailed list at your local facility. Minimum age 13 yrs (ID required).Consult yourdoctorprior to beginning a fitnessprogram.TheCityofSurrey isnot responsible for lost, stolenordamaged items.A feewillbe charged for lost locker keys. Hoursofoperationandprogramsmaydifferonholidays and longweekends.Please lookonline for themost current informationor contact the facility to confirm. ThanksgivingDay LongWeekend Sa–M Oct12 –Oct14 RemembranceDay LongWeekend Sa–M Nov9 –Nov11 Schedulesare subject to changewithoutnotice. Health,Safety&Security Keep street shoesout of shower area andoff pooldeck Nopersons are to enter the surrey.ca/pools
DROP-IN SCHEDULES DROP-IN ADMISSIONS&PASSES Our varietyof admissions andpassesoffergreat value and access to alldrop-in activities valid at anyofour recreation facilities including: pools, arenas,gyms and fitness centres. RecreationPass UnlimitedVisits AnnualorMonthly Type Term Child/Youth 2–18yrs Student* Adult 19–59yrs Senior** Family‡ 60–69yrs 70yrs+ Recreation Pass 1year $262.00 $392.75 $523.75 $392.75 $131.00 $1047.25 1month 35.75 53.75 71.50 53.75 18.00 143.00 Admissions SingleorMulti-Visit Type Term Child/Youth 2–18yrs Student* Adult 19–59yrs Senior** Family‡ 60–69yrs 70yrs+ Drop-in 1 visit $ 3.50 $ 5.25 $ 7.00 $ 5.25 $ 1.75 $ 3.50^ Value Time« 1 visit 1.75 2.75 3.50 2.75 .90 1.75^ Swipe Pass 10 visits 31.50 47.50 62.00 47.50 16.00 N/A 20 visits 56.00 84.00 111.00 84.00 28.00 N/A PaymentOptions Surreyoffersmonthlypaymentoptions for the annualRecreation Pass.Makepaymentsusing automaticdebitor credit card.Skip the lineup andbuy your annual,monthlyor swipepassesonline. YouthArt Youth andCommunityArt surrey.ca/communityart communityart@surrey.ca DROP-IN SCHEDULES Youth 2.75 .90 1.75^ 47.50 16.00 N/A 84.00 28.00 N/A Fitness
$87.50/group $349.50/group Completionof theParQ+medical screening form is requiredbefore personal training sessionsbegin. 24hours advancenotification is required to cancelor re-schedule training sessions. $232.50
Seniorsmembersenjoy: volunteer leddrop-inactivities discountedpricingon registeredprograms discountedpricingonbus trips special events and services
Pleasearriveon time for class.
Arenas RecreationPass UnlimitedVisits AnnualorMonthly Type Term Child/Youth 2–18yrs Student* Adult 19–59yrs Senior** Family‡ 60–69yrs 70yrs+ Recreation Pass 1year $262.00 $392.75 $523.75 $392.75 $131.00 $1047.25 1month 35.75 53.75 71.50 53.75 18.00 143.00 Admissions SingleorMulti-Visit Type Term Child/Youth 2–18yrs Student* Adult 19–59yrs Senior** Family‡ 60–69yrs 70yrs+ Drop-in 1 visit $ 3.50 $ 5.25 $ 7.00 $ 5.25 $ 1.75 $ 3.50^ Value Time« 1 visit 1.75 DROP-IN ADMISSIONS&PASSES Our varietyof admissions andpassesoffergreat value and access to alldrop-in activities valid at anyofour recreation facilities including: pools, arenas,gyms and fitness centres. SURREY.CA/YOUTH
You can signup early forourmorepopulardrop-in fitness and sports classes,online,byphoneor inperson. Just look for this symbolbeside thedrop in activity youwant to attend.
Book your spot as early as 9pm thenightbefore. Visitwww.surrey.ca/recreation
.90 DROP-IN ADMISSIONS&PASSES Our varietyof admissions andpassesoffergreat value and access to alldrop-in activities valid at anyofour recreati n facilities including: pools, arenas,gyms and fitness centres. RecreationPass UnlimitedVisits AnnualorMonthly Type Term Child/Youth 2–18yrs Student* Adult 19–59yrs Senior** Family‡ 60–69yrs 70yrs+ Recreation Pass 1year $262.00 $392.75 $523.75 $392.75 $131.00 $1047.25 1month 35.75 53.75 71.50 53.75 18.00 143.00 Ad ssions SingleorMulti-Visit Type Term Child/Youth 2–18yrs Student* Adult 19–59yrs Se ior** Family‡ 60–69yrs 70yrs+ Drop-in 1 visit $ 3.50 $ 5.25 $ 7.00 $ 5.25 $1.75 $ 3.50^ Value Time« 1 visit 1.75 2.75 3.50 2.75 .90 1.75^ Swipe Pass 10 visits 31.50 47.50 62.00 47.50 16.00 N/A 20 visits 56.00 84.00 111.00 84.00 28.00 N/A PaymentOptions Surreyoffersmonthlypaymentoptions for the annualRecreation Pass.Makepaymentsusing automaticdebitor credit card.Skip the lineup andbuy your annual,monthlyor swipepassesonline. N/A 3.50 62.00 111.00 * Rates only apply for accredited post-secondary institutions and require proof of student ID. ** Includes a complimentarySeniorsServicesMembership. ‡ Includes amaximum of two adults and unlimited dependent children 18 years or younger. ^ Per familymember (minimum one parent/guardian and one dependent child 18 years or younger). « Offered at some facilities during non-prime times. If a facility offers value time itwill be indicated on the drop-in schedule for that facility.
Family ‡
Schedules are subject to changewithout notice.
2.75 Includes amaximum of two adults and unlimited dependent children 18 years or younger. ^ Per familymember (minimum one parent/guardian and one dependent child 18 years or younger). « Offered at some facilities during non-prime times. If a facility offers value time itwill be indicated on the drop-in schedule for that facility. 1.75^ PaymentOptions Surreyoffersmonthlypaymentoptions for the annualRecreation Pass.Makepaymentsusing automaticdebitor credit card.Skip the lineup andbuy your annual,monthlyor swipepassesonline. * Rates only apply for accredited post-secondary institutions and require proof of student ID. ** Includes a complimentarySeniorsServicesMembership. ‡
Family ‡
Adult 19–59yrs
$ 3.50^
$ 1.75
$ 5.25
$ 7.00
ENDLESSPOSSIBILITIES Find Your Fit! Promotinghealthandwellness throughactive
* Rates only apply for accredited post-secondary institutions and require proof of student ID. ** Includes a complimentarySeniorsServicesMembership. ‡ Includes amaximum of two adults and unlimited dependent children 18 years or younger. ^ Per familymember (minimum one parent/guardian and one dependent child 18 years or younger). « Offered at some facilities during non-prime times. If a facility offers value time itwill be indicated on the drop-in schedule for that facility.
16.00 28.00
47.50 84.00
SEP3–DEC22 ALLARENAFACILITIES creatingmeaningful, relevantexperienceswhere youngpeople feel safe,welcome, valued and inspired.Nomatterwhat you’repassionate about, Surrey hasendless activities andevents created just for you! 2019 Fall 2019 # what inspires you Looking for something new andexciting — a fun activity to try, aplace to hangoutor a chance to develop valuable skills andmeet new friends? RecreationSurreyoffers awide rangeofexciting recreation, sports and leadershipopportunities, unique spaces andevents speciallydesigned to engage,empower andentertain.Ourexperienced anddedicated staff’s numberonepriority is Fall
living,CityofSurrey’s seniorsprograms, servicesand resources aredesigned tomeet the recreationalneedsof thoseage55and
Schedules are subject to changewithoutnotice.
1000084 Children under the age of 7 yearsmust remainwithin arms' reach of a responsible person 14 years of age or older who is swimming in thewater at all times.Maximum three children under 7 years per one responsible pe son.
up.Fromfitness touniquedayexcursions, volunteeropportunities, socialevents, clubs andmore,we’vegot something to suitall interestsand activity levels.
ions for the annual Recreation atic debit or credit card. Skip the ly or swipe passes online.
Schedules are subject to changewithoutnotice. surrey.ca/recreation
Schedules are subject to changewithout notice.
ry institutions and require proof of student ID. embership. ited dependent children 18 years or younger. ardian and one dependent child 18 years
times. If a facility offers value time it will be cility.
grams may differ on holidays ook online for the most current ct the facility to confirm. Remembrance Day LongWeekend Sa–M Nov 9 – Nov 11
to change without notice.
to change without notice.
You can now sign up early for select drop-ins using our registration website. Just look for the check-mark symbol beside the drop-in activity you want to attend.
Look online for the most up-to-date schedule information. surrey.ca/drop-in
FACILITIES WITH Drop-in Gymnasiums
Drop into our gymnasiums as little or as much as you like. Try something new! Check out our wide variety of indoor sports activities for all ages and abilities. Equipment is provided or you can bring your own. Drop-in gym is a great way to meet new people while having fun and staying active for life.
CLOVERDALE Cloverdale Recreation Centre FLEETWOOD Fleetwood Community Centre GUILDFORD Fraser Heights Recreation Centre NEWTON Newton Recreation Centre WHALLEY Bridgeview Community Centre Chuck Bailey Recreation Centre Guildford Recreation Centre
6188 176 Street
BE ACTIVE and access sports equipment and games with LIVE 5-2-1-0 Playboxes located throughout Surrey.
15996 84 Avenue
604-592-6920 604-502-6360
10588 160 Street
15105 105 Avenue
Simply unlock the box, enjoy the gear, return it when finished and have fun! Email beactive@surrey.ca or call 604-501-5100 to request an access code.
13730 72 Avenue
604-592-7081 604-598-5898
11475 126A Street
13458 107A Ave
SOUTH SURREY South Surrey Recreation & Arts Centre
14601 20 Avenue
46 FALL 2019 SURREY.CA/RECREATION 604-501-5100
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