Fall 2019 Recreation Guide
Surrey Arts Centre surrey.ca/arts
What’s On AT SURREY ART GALLERY See art, make art, and meet friends! Free admission. OpenTuesday–Sunday in fall.
Box Office • General Info
604-501-5566 604-501-5187
Gift Shop • Art Rental 13750 - 88 Avenue (1 block east of King George Blvd in Bear Creek Park) Events are subject to change.
Garden in the Machine September 21 to December 15 Opening Party: Saturday, September 21 | 6:30–9pm
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To mark the 20th anniversary of the TechLab digital media art program, the Gallery is presenting Garden in the Machine , a group exhibit of art from leading practitioners in the field. This exhibit examines the relationships between the digital world and the natural environment. Leila Sujir, Forest Breath, 2018.
SurreyCivicTheatres | SurreyArt Gallery
Steve DiPaola: Pareidolia To February 2, 2020
Volunteer AT SURREY ART GALLERY Do you find art and learning fascinating? Join our crew of dynamic volunteers and enhance visitors’ experiences of contemporary art and your own as well! Contact our Volunteer Program Coordinator: artsvolunteer@surrey.ca Docents (Gallery Educators) Join a community of volunteers dedicated to enriching art education for children! Surrey Art Gallery Docents lead engaging tours of contemporary art exhibitions from September to June. Participants take part in ongoing training with art educators, curators, and artists.
Watch a psychedelically inspired digital portrait of Surrey Art Gallery’s physical space and social environment. A professor at Simon Fraser University’s School for Interactive Art and Technology, DiPaola frequently uses computer coding to shape his video art. Steve DiPaola, Pareidolia, 2019, still from two-channel digital video. Sentient Circuitries Digital Media Art Symposium Saturday, November 16 | Noon–4:30pm We are convening a gathering of leaders in the field of digital media art to take the pulse of the field today and to speculate where art practices are moving to in the future.
Join us for more exhibits and events including talks, tours, and Family Sunday—where families explore, enjoy, and create art together. We offer many fun and engaging opportunities to connect with the artworks and the ideas behind them. Find out more at surrey.ca/artgallery.
Katina Giesbrecht Mixed media artist Katina Giesbrecht creates artworks through drawing, painting, printmaking, and collage. She specializes in monotype art—a form of printmaking that results in one unique print. Katina enjoys teaching and draws inspiration from the creative environment. This fall, Katina will teach Colour Theory and Printmaking for Beginners for adults, and Colour Exploration and Printmaking Magic for children at Surrey Art Gallery.
What's your favourite colour? Colour is a complex subject that plays a major role in many forms of art. Adults and children alike can explore what makes colour so special. Discover how you mix and create colours and learn about the colour wheel, the visual perception of colour, and the visual effects of different colour combinations through several exploratory projects. COLOUR EXPLORATION 4 Sessions $49.80 7-10yrs W 5–6:30pm Oct 23 4683554 COLOUR THEORY 4 Sessions $47.20 16yrs+ W 7pm–9pm Oct 23 468355
Surrey Art Gallery Docent Elaine leads a school tour.
Gallery Event Volunteers Do you thrive in settings engaging with people? Gallery Event Volunteers provide support at artist talks, receptions, Family Sundays, and more. Gallery Youth Docent Program Explore contemporary art, hone your presentation skills, develop education programs, and learn to lead. As a Youth Docent, you’ll enhance exhibitions through activities that are both fun and educational.
Look in the Arts & General Interest section for performing and visual arts classes! Look in these sub-sections for age-specific programming. Parent Participation | Preschool | Children | Youth | Adults
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84 FALL 2019 SURREY.CA/RECREATION 604-501-5100
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