Fall 2022 Recreation Guide
General Interest Adapted
Accessibility and Inclusion offers a variety of programs and support for individuals with disabilities to get involved and take part in an
Your Place- Adapted Social Recreation- Adult Drop-in social recreation for adults with disabilities. A great way to meet new people and participate in a variety of games and activities. If support is required, participants may bring an attendant. Starting September 28 FLEETWOOD Drop in for $3.75 19yrs+ Wednesdays 6pm–8pm Fleetwood Community Centre
active and healthy lifestyle. HEALTHY COMMUNITIES ACCESSIBILITY AND INCLUSION 604-502-6325 13450 104 Ave inclusion@surrey.ca
Check out some of our services! Supported and integrated programs for children,
youth and adults with disabilities; Resources and referral services.
COMMUNITY PARTNERS Looking for the next step and more opportunities to play wheelchair basketball? Contact BC Wheelchair Basketball Society at info@bcwbs.ca
IF YOU REQUIRE SUPPORT IN THE POOL FOR SWIM LESSONS OR PUBLIC SWIM A volunteer, caregiver, family member, or external staff of at least 15 years of age can attend lessons or public swim at no cost to provide additional in-water support for individuals who require physical, cognitive, behavioral, sensory and/or social integration assistance. For lessons please inform a pool supervisor upon registration and for public swim prior to entry to pool.
Community Living BC (CLBC), is a provincial crown agency that delivers supports and services to adults with developmental disabilities and their families in BC. CLBC works to create communities where people with developmental disabilities have more choices about how they live, work and contribute. Surrey Parks Recreation and Culture, in partnership with the Surrey Association for Community Living (SACL) offers support in recreation programs for children and youth with disabilities who typically meet one or more of the following criteria: Additional support or assistance is required at home and/or school for basic care. A physical, developmental and/or learning disability exists that effects the safety of the participant in a program. The participant is currently associated with a support agency. Semiahmoo House Society exists to provide quality services and support to people with disabilities and their families in the community. Recreation and Leisure Services at Semiahmoo House offers a wide range of recreational programs adapted to the unique needs and abilities of youths and adults with disabilities.
Looking for the next step and more opportunities to get active in wheelchair tennis, wheelchair rugby and athletics? Contact BC Wheelchair Sports Association at info@bcwheelchairsports.com
Looking for the next step and more opportunities to play para hockey,
power soccer and boccia? Visit the SportAbility website at sportabilitybc.ca
I CAN SKATE LESSONS I CAN HOCKEY I CAN SWIM LESSONS I CAN BE ACTIVE canucksautism.ca | 604 685-4049 ext 212 Looking for a new, fun and challenging game that involves speed, finesse and team work? Come try Canada’s National Summer Sport on Wheels - Lacrosse. Contact the BC Lacrosse Association - dave@bclacrosse.com The Surrey United Super Soccer Adaptive Program is a co-ed program aimed at joining children and youth so that everyone can play, barrier-free. For more information, contact Surrey United SC at: executivevp2@surreyunitedsoccer.com
Select courses for all family members first, then pay for all courses at once.
86 FALL 2022 SURREY.CA/REGISTER 604-501-5100
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