Financial Annual Report 2016
Investment & Intergovernmental Relations drives economic diversification and investment attraction by developing strategies, partnerships and programming in key sectors to enable sustainable economic growth. Investment & Intergovernmental Relations also ensures the City’s interests are effectively communicated to all levels of government and seeks to identify and maximize partnership opportunities with other orders of government, educational institutions along with the public and private sectors.
INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS Intergovernmental Relations is responsible for producing and implementing the City’s Government Engagement Strategy. The division advances the City’s interests with all levels of government and identifies provincial and federal priority alignments and joint program opportunities.
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Economic Development is responsible for producing and implementing the City’s Economic Development Strategy. The division identifies and develops relationships with key stakeholder groups in order to build a strong ecosystem that stimulates investment attraction, jobs creation, entrepreneurship development and innovation. The Economic Development section maintains current information about businesses in Surrey, and collects and analyzes local, regional and provincial economic data.
2 0 1 6 A C C O M P L I S H M E N T S
• Won the inaugural Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) Leadership & Innovation Award in Agriculture for the BioPod Initiative. • Awarded the 2nd highest granting amount in BC for 2016 through the Invest Canada, Community Initiatives fund to create Surrey’s first Foreign Direct Investment Strategy. • Secured Federal, Provincial and partnership funding to conduct Surrey’s first Labour Market Insight Study on the Advanced Manufacturing & Innovation Economy. • Planned and facilitated Prime Minister Trudeau’s visit with Mayor Hepner at Surrey City Hall in March 2016.
• Recruited Dr. Peter Payne as President and CEO of the Health Tech Innovation Foundation. • Recruited Skydance Studios to Surrey. Skydance will bring $100 million a year for the next eight years in production spending to Surrey and the region and create over 400 new jobs in Surrey. • Hosted the 2nd annual Greater Vancouver Clean Technology Expo & Championship that saw over 500 participants witness 32 clean technology companies compete for a $10,000 prize. This was ultimately won by Surrey-based company Stem Shock. The event brought North America’s largest clean technology angel investor network, Element 8, to Surrey to meet with over 40 clean technology companies and organizations over two days.
• Worked in partnership with Simon Fraser University (SFU) to formally incorporate Innovation Boulevard as an equal partnership between the City and SFU, including joint commitment of close to $1M of funding over three years. • Helped attract $45 million in grant funding, new companies and the creation of 17,000 square feet of embedded lab space over the next three years. Three new health technology products have also been taken to market. • In partnership with SFU and the Province, hosted the national Applications for 3D and Additive Manufacturing Conference that brought together over 200
researchers, industrial designers and 3D printer manufacturing companies to discuss the future of Additive Manufacturing in Canada.
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