Healthy Active Aging Guide
ELDER ABUSE & NEGLECT PREVENTION AWARENESS WHAT IS ELDER ABUSE? The deliberate mistreatment of an adult that causes the adult; • • Physical, mental or emotional harm, or • • Damage or loss in respect of the adult’s financial affairs, and includes intimidation, humiliation, physical assault, sexual assault, over-medication, withholding needed medication, censoring mail, invasion or denial of privacy, or denial of access to visitors (Adult Guardianship Act-December 2013) The City of Surrey is committed to building awareness and education of elder abuse and prevention. Ongoing staff training is provided so that they are given the tools to support seniors, caregivers and families. MOBILE OUTREACH In an effort to bring resources directly to the community, these Mobile Outreach sessions are offered by request within various neighbourhoods in Surrey. The program is designed to increase awareness of services and resources and prevent isolation. For more information contact Carissa at 604.591.4274.
DATES AND LOCATIONS OF THESE FORUMS, PROGRAMS AND WORKSHOPS ARE POSTED AT and are advertised in local newspapers and at City recreation facilities. RESOURCES AND MATERIALS AVAILABLE: The Safe Living Guide, A guide to home safety for seniors. Ottawa, ON: Public Health Agency of Canada, 2015 this guide is available on the internet at
Web site published February 2018
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