Official Community Plan - Bylaw No. 18020

BYLAW NO. 18020 | OCTOBER 20, 2014

F4 POLICIES: Programs and Facilities

F4 POLICIES: Access to Recreation

F4.5 Collaborate with partners, including Fraser Health Authority, School District No. 36, Pro vincial agencies and the non-profit sector to coordinate the delivery of programs, special events and facilities that encourage healthy lifestyles. F4.6 Consult with residents, sports groups, associ ations and other stakeholders to plan the de livery of parks and playgrounds, recreational facilities and programs that meet the needs of each local community. F4.7 Provide and maintain high-quality parks, com munity recreation centers, facilities and pro grams in each community in order to provide equitable and convenient access for all Surrey residents (as shown on Figure 31 and 46). F4.8 Coordinate the planning of indoor recreation facilities and programs with parks and out door recreation opportunities, wherever pos sible.

F4.9 Identify and develop strategies to remove physical, cultural, geographic and socio economic barriers to accessing City recrea tion and leisure programs and services, in cluding those specific to children, youth, sen iors, low income residents and persons with special needs. F4.10 Pursue partnerships with public agencies, non -profit organizations and private businesses to deliver recreational and leisure programs in an efficient, cost-effective and accessible man ner.

F4.11 Work with private sector and non-profit

groups to secure recreation facilities and pro grams within residential developments and places of work as a supplement to public rec reation facilities.

Structured child play areas are located throughout Surrey in all neighbourhoods.



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