Plan Surrey 2013: Official Community Plan

BYLAW NO. 18020 | OCTOBER 20, 2014

C2 POLICIES: Roads (cont.)

C2 POLICIES: Walking

BL 18423

C2.15 Reduce the impacts of transportation infra- structure on the natural environment including watercourses, vegetation, trees, agriculture and conservation lands by:  Reducing the amount of stormwater

C2.17 Develop a safer, more convenient and fully accessible pedestrian network by implement- ing Surrey’s Walking Plan (as amende d), in- cluding:  Providing sidewalks and walkways for access within and between neighbour- hoods  Shortening crossing distances across roadways, where feasible  Linking major destination points, such as Town Centres, workplaces, transit stops, transit stations and exchanges, schools, parks, community facilities and neighourhood commercial areas  Considering and addressing issues of urban design, universal access, sustaina- bility, public health and public safety in development proposals  Ensuring City inter-departmental collabo- ration to promote and support active transportation. C2.18 Create short-block, well-connected street networks in new neighbourhoods and rede- velopment areas using a grid or modified grid pattern that is convenient and interesting for pedestrians. C2.19 Where creating smaller blocks is not feasible, use public walkways and Rights-of-Way to effectively link residential areas to neighbour- hood amenities such as transit stops, shops, parks, schools and greenways.

runoff that enters watercourses from roads by capturing pollutants and sedi- ments before they enter the natural en- vironment  Pursuing the greening and planting of trees along streets and pathways  Providing wildlife passages at key loca- tions as identified in the Biodiversity Conservation Strategy (as amended)  Modifying road layouts and cross sec- tions, where feasible, to protect signifi- cant trees and natural areas.

C2.16 Implement traffic calming measures such as signage, alternative paving, narrower roads, traffic circles, curb bulges, speed humps and speed tables, where warranted, to further en- hance neighbourhood safety.

WestStone Development, Surrey City Centre; public infrastructure installa- tion.



AMENDED: April 27, 2015

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