Plan Surrey 2013: Official Community Plan
C3 POLICIES: Parks Acquisition and Planning
C3.8 Monitor land use proposals in Town Centres and Secondary Plan areas to ensure that: land is provided for park purposes suffi- cient to meet anticipated demand opportunities for improvement of exist- ing park land are identified
Maintain a parks acquisition program that defines acquisition tools and that targets potential sites for the following priorities: growing neighbourhoods with a limited supply of park land and other public- accessible open spaces natural areas and habitat corridors for the protection, preservation and restora- tion of habitat and ecosystem features linear waterfront access rights to shore- lines and beaches larger land holdings to provide usable space for community benefit. Acquire land in advance of future develop- ment, where possible, and where it is deter- mined that parks and other open spaces and linkages may be required to serve the com- munity’s needs for recreation, conservation or environmental protection. Plan appropriate sizes, locations and types of parks and greenways in conjunction with land uses, densities and transportation net- works in all secondary plan processes (e.g. Neighbourhood Concept Plans, Local Area Plans, Infill Areas and Town Centre Plans) to support the parkland needs of future resi- dents.
usable, on-site public and semi-private open space is provided, on development sites.
C3.9 Create large destination parks, such as Green Timbers Urban Forest Park, and waterfront parks along the Fraser River, that function as city-wide and regional attractions. C3.10 Utilize the City’s available information on bio- diversity conservation to target the acquisition of parkland for conservation and to enhance Surrey’s Green Infrastructure Network. C3.11 Develop large, centrally-located parks in City Centre and each Town Centre, as community gathering places. C3.12 Develop and maintain sports field complexes throughout the city to ensure adequate and equitable access for sports groups. Ensure the provision of sports facilities are appropri- ate to the local community context. C3.13 Provide recreational access to the Fraser Riv- er and Boundary Bay waterfronts through parkland acquisition and trail development.
Redwood Park, Surrey.
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