Plan Surrey 2013: Official Community Plan



BL 18787

Canopies The following design elements shall be considered for gas stations in Commercial Centres: 40. Large canopies should be avoided. The use of multiple canopies, glass and thin fascias are strongly recommended to relate to the character of a commercial context. Roof lines and materials should be carefully chosen to respond to potential views from higher points. 41. Canopies should align with the building on the block. In no case should the setback for the canopy be less than 3 m. 42. The size of the canopy should be reduced to its minimum. Underside clearance of the cano- py should be no more than 4.2 m and the canopy and convenience stores should be architec- turally integrated. Materials should be used that reflect the immediate urban context, (e.g. use metal roofing, canopy skylights and stucco). 43. Roof styles (e.g. stepped, sloped and partial flat forms) should be used to reflect a mixed-use context and should improve potential views from above. Apparent size of the canopy struc- ture should relate to the scale and design of the buildings in the immediate context. The use of multiple canopies, exposed space-frame structures and off-set canopies should be consid- ered. 44. Properties of the support structure should relate to the apparent size of the canopy. If neces- sary, the support structure should be exaggerated to relate to the size of the canopy. 45. The fascia profile should be simple and its height should be minimized. Consider alternative design solutions (e.g. using a shed roof, skylights or discontinuous fascia bands). Backlighting of the entire fascia is not permitted. Spotlighting or neon signs are acceptable on a site- specific basis. 46. Lighting intensity level, measured at the surface of the pavement area defined by the projec- tion of the canopy should not exceed 300 lux (30 footcandle). Lighting levels towards the periphery of the site should not exceed those established for the City Centre or for commer- cial zones. Using non-reflective materials and recessed lighting on the underside of the cano- py is recommended. (illustr.)




AMENDED: May 29, 2017

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