SAFE Program Highlights Booklet

Female Gang Intervention Program (FGI)

Led by Pacific Community Resources Society, the Female Gang Intervention (FGI) Program provides intensive individualized trauma and relationship-based support to 12 to 19-year-old females that have experienced sexual exploitation, are engaged in unhealthy relationships, or are at-risk for gang recruitment and grooming. FGI works in tandem with PCRS’ Stop Exploiting Youth program as well as a network of other professionals tasked with responding to confirmed or suspected sexual exploitation of youth.

Project Magenta The FGI program recognized that meaningful employment could provide protective factors for young women and girls entrenched in gang lifestyle. Project Magenta was created as a program enhancement to FGI to offer skill building and employment partnerships for gang exiting.

Funny Farm The Female Gang Intervention program forged a new partnership with the Funny Farm. This farm is a refuge for abandoned animals and creates a space for animals to connect with humans for loving, caring, and healing. Many of the animals at the farm come from difficult backgrounds which may include mistreatment, hunger, loneliness or neglect and caring for these animals created the conditions for FGI clients to open up to their FGI worker to set goals for a lifestyle free from gangs.


SAFE | Surrey Anti-Gang Family Empowerment Program

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