Spring Recreation Guide 2020
Power Skating - Advanced
Learn to Play Hockey for Women Learn and practice hockey skills including skating, passing, shooting, stick handling, puck control and game place. Full hockey gear required. For women who are beginner to intermediate skill levels. No hockey experience required. FLEETWOOD 9 Sessions $100.35 19yrs+ F 7:45pm–9pm Apr 3 17324 Sport & Leisure - Arena This program has been designed and developed for the more advanced adult ice hockey participant. This level will teach advanced power skating techniques, the basics of offensive and defensive strategy and continue to strengthen puck control. Full hockey gear and intermediate level of skating skill is required. FLEETWOOD 6 Sessions $66.90 19yrs+ Th 6:30pm–7:45pm Apr 2 14348 Th 6:30pm–7:45pm May 21 14351 Sport & Leisure - Arena Co-ed Hockey League (Player) Take part as a player in recreational, non- contact hockey. This league includes an on-ice evaluation, league games and one playoff game. Referees, scorekeepers and jerseys provided. Full hockey gear required. All skill levels welcome. FLEETWOOD 9 Sessions $215.55 19yrs+ Sa 1pm–2:15pm Apr 4 18316 Sport & Leisure - Arena Take part as a goalie in recreational, non- contact hockey. This league includes an on-ice evaluation, league games and one playoff game. Referees, scorekeepers and jerseys provided. Full hockey gear required. All skill levels welcome. FLEETWOOD 9 Sessions Free 19yrs+ Sa 1pm–2:15pm Apr 4 18402 Sport & Leisure - Arena Co-ed Hockey League (Goalie) South Surrey Co-ed Hockey League Register your hockey team in this recreational, non-contact hockey league that includes league games and one playoff game. Referees and scorekeepers provided. Full hockey gear required. SOUTH 10 Sessions $2650 19yrs+ Su 4:15pm–5:30pm Apr 5 18437 South Surrey Arena Team Hockey Skill Development
Hockey Gear This is a list of full hockey equipment REQUIRED for all of our Children’s Hockey Programs
Sign up your child to get coaching on skating techniques. Participants will practice including adjusting strides and using edges to improve over all balance, strength, speed and power. Full hockey or ringette gear required. For intermediate skill levels. FLEETWOOD 9 Sessions $119.25 6-12yrs Sa 5:15pm–6pm Apr 4 14466 FLEETWOOD 6 Sessions $79.50 6-12yrs Th 5:30pm–6:15pm Apr 2 14342 Th 5:30pm–6:15pm May 21 14344 Sport & Leisure - Arena Learn to Play Hockey Learn and practice hockey skills including skating, passing, shooting, stick handling, puck control and game play. Full hockey gear required. For beginner to intermediate skill levels. No hockey experience required. FLEETWOOD 10 Sessions $111.50 19yrs+ Su 4:45pm–6pm Apr 5 14493 WHALLEY 6 Sessions $66.90 19yrs+ W 7:45pm–9pm Apr 1 17315 W 7:45pm-9pm May 20 30008 North Surrey Sport and Ice Complex
Hockey Fun Hockey
A fun league for children who want to play the game they love in an environment focused on fair play, teamwork, and participation. Learn the rules of the game, practice your skills, and experience being part of a team all at an affordable price.
Sign up your child to learn and practice hockey skills including skating, passing, shooting, stick handling, puck control and game play. Full hockey gear is required. Completion of Preschool Skating Level 4 or Child Skating Level 3 required. No hockey experience is needed. FLEETWOOD 10 Sessions $61.50 3-5yrs Su 4pm–4:45pm Apr 5 14483 FLEETWOOD 9 Sessions $55.35 3-5yrs Sa 3:30pm–4:15pm Apr 4 14368 FLEETWOOD 10 Sessions $61.50 6-12yrs Su 3:45pm–4:45pm Apr 5 14490 FLEETWOOD 9 Sessions $73.80 6-12yrs Sa 4:15pm–5:15pm Apr 4 14414 FLEETWOOD 5 Sessions $51.25 6-12yrs Su 6:15pm–7:30pm May 24 14503 Sport & Leisure - Arena SOUTH 10 Sessions $61.50 3-5yrs Su 1:15pm–2pm Apr 5 14284 SOUTH 10 Sessions $82 6-12yrs Su 2pm–3pm Apr 5 14288 Su 3pm–4pm Apr 5 14293 South Surrey Arena Para Ice Hockey 6+ Learn how to move on the ice in a sled and practice your hockey skills including passing, shooting, and game play. Para ice hockey equipment is provided. All 6yrs+ Su 6:15pm–7:30pm Apr 5 14499 Sport & Leisure - Arena abilities and skill levels welcome. FLEETWOOD 5 Sessions $47.50
Who it is for? boys and girls ages 6-9 and 10-13 New to Hockey? This is a great place to start! Bring a friend and request to be on the same team. Where & When? Surrey Sport & Leisure Complex – Arenas April 4 – June 20 Saturdays What do I need to play? child skating level three or higher full hockey gear How much? More affordable than ever. 9 Sessions for $121.50.
What you get? 1.25 hours of ice time each week one skill evaluation session one playoff game one special skills competition day coaches, referees and jerseys Need equipment? Try our new Equipment Rental Program. Rent full gear for $50 per season (limited quantities). We store the equipment so you don’t have to. Register to be a GOALIE and receive:
full gear if needed FREE registration
Players 6-9yrs FLEETWOOD 9 Sessions $121.50 Sa 9:30am–12:15pm Apr 4 Goalies 6-9yrs FLEETWOOD 9 Sessions $0 Sa 9:30am–12:15pm Apr 4
Players 10-13yrs FLEETWOOD 9 Sessions $121.50 Sa 12:30pm–3:15pm Apr 4 Goalies 10-13yrs FLEETWOOD 9 Sessions $0 Sa 12:30pm–3:15pm Apr 4
Surrey Sport & Leisure Complex
Surrey Sport & Leisure Complex
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