Spring Recreation Guide 2020
d).Consult yourdoctorprior to ng a fitnessprogram.TheCityofSurrey isnot responsible for lost, stolenordamaged items.A feewillbe charged for lost locker keys. GettingStarted ketball–Adult Basketball– 13+ Sports– Family Sports– Free Preteen Sports– FreeYouth
onalized adult swimming program incorporates low impact exercises that are designed to increase your physical fitness and progress swimming skills at an individual rate. Personal support staff are asked to attend if one to one support is required.
t with us! Whether youwant toworkout in a fully equipped fitness centreor take agroup fitness class,we’re ready tohelp youmeet yourgoals, sevendays aweek.Our certified instructors canprovidepersonal training sessionsor simplyhelp you learn the equipment. GROUP FITNESS Weoffer a varietyofgroup fitness andwellness classes for every ability.Whether you’renew to fitness classesor looking for a challenge,wehave a class to fit yourneeds. Classes varyby facility and areopen toparticipants 13 years andolder.Check the facilitydailydrop-in schedules online for the l test information. ON HydroCycle NRC 4/5 Perfect for those looking tomake a splash by adding a low-impact, high- energy aquatic exercise to their fitness routine. ERATE-HIGH SUNDAY 10:15am–11:45am
AquafitDeepWater FormerlyDeepWaterAqua GHAC,GRC,SSLC,SSIP Aquafit FormerlyShallowWaterAqua GHAC,GRC,NRC,SSLC,SSIP NITYCENTRE TUESDAY 6pm–8pm
InitialConsultation (90minutes) OngoingSessions (1hour) 5SwipePass (for thepriceof 4) MONDAY
Make a Splash! There’s always lots happening atSurrey’s indoor pools. From leisure swims to special events, lessons, aquatic fitness andmore, your entire familywill get fit and have fun.Our facilities also have great amenities like hot tubs, slides, children’s areas, saunas andmore.Check online to seewhat each facility offers. AquaticFitnessPrograms Workingout in apool is agreatway to exercise,whether you’renew to fitnessor advanced.Our shallowwater anddeepwaterprograms aredesigned todevelop fitness levelswhilebeing easyon joints. BirthdayParties Celebrate your child’sbirthdaywith apoolparty!See theRecreation
$ 90.00
$ 90.00 (perperson)
Join a non-impact cyclingworkout in thewater featuring a variety of drills.
$ 90.00 (pergroup)
Arts &General Interest Adults & 55+ Drop-in WITH A FREE YOUTH MEMBERSHIP! You can signup for your free annualYouthMembership at any recreation centre.Membershipgets you access Drop-in ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIONS AnimeClub Adrop-in time for youthwith an interest in Japanese culture and animation. Join the group eachweek todiscovernew andpopular shows.Everybody iswelcome! Art Have you everwonderedwhat a yoga classwouldbe like?Are you new togroup fitness,or are comingback after ahiatusor injury?We havenumerous registered classes for thosepeoplewanting to try a new classor tograduallygetback into fitness. If you are looking toget startedwithweight and cardio equipment, ask aboutour fitness centreorientations.Certified trainerswillgive you the tips toget startedon a safe,balanced and effectiveworkout. $ 239.25 $ 359.75 (pergroup) Completionof theParQ+medical screening form is requiredbefore personal training sessionsbegin. 24hours advancenotification is required to cancelor re-schedule training sessions. 3/4 A no im actworkout developing cardio, strength and endurance. Float belts provided. 3/4 A higher impactworkout developing cardio, strength and endurance. 3/4 Gr at cross-training for cyclists or those recovering from injury. Please bringwater shoesandarrive 10 minsearly forbike set-up. AquafitDeepWater Running SSIP 4 A no impactworkout focusing on running drills to enhance endurance through interval training.Great cross training for runners. Floats belts provided. PerformanceSwim Training SSIP,SSLC 4/5 Improve your swim strokes and endurance through interval training and stroke drills.Great for all levels of swimmers. Mustbeable to swim 25m. Aqua Zumba GHAC GHAC GrandviewHeightsAquaticCentre GRC GuildfordRecreationCentre NRC NewtonRecreationCentre SSLC Sport& LeisureComplex SSIP SouthSurreyPool Minimum age forAquatic FitnessClasses is 13 years (ID required).Consult your doctor prior to beginning a new fitness program. TheCity ofSurrey is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items.A feewill be charged for lost locker keys. Get your Game On IN THE GYM! THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 6pm–8pm 9am–11am 9am–11am 9am–12pm 12pm–2pm 12pm–2pm 3pm–6pm 6pm–8pm 6pm–8pm 6pm–9pm 10am–12pm Please call ahead to confirm and reserve spots. *Held in amultipurpose room. FRASERHEIGHTSRECREATIONCENTRE PROGRAM MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Badminton–Adult 7:15pm–9:45pm 7:15pm–9:45pm 2:30pm–4:45pm Badminton– 13+ Badmint n–Youth 3:15pm–5:15pm Badminto – Family 5:30pm–7pm Basketball–Adult 7:15pm–9:45pm Basketball–Value 13+ 7:15am–9:15am 7:15am–9:15am Basketball–Youth 3:15pm–5:15pm Basketball– 13+ 7:15pm–9:45pm Pickleball– 13+ 12:15pm–3pm Volleyball–Adult Sports– Family
the classic
Cooking Come and enjoyour free cookingdrop-in and learnhow tomakedelicious foods from allover theworld.Enjoy tasting your creationswhile visitingwith your fellow chefs. Ideas arewelcome as recipes are chosenby participants. Drop-in Adrop-in time for youth,designedby youth inourmultipurpose space.Activities vary dependingonYOUR interests and resources andmay includegames, crafts, contests, themenights, special events, andmuchmore! Agreatplace tohangoutwith friendsor makenewones. Facilitatedbyour youth staff. Gamers BRIDGEVIEWCOMMUNITYCENTRE PROGRAM MONDAY TUESDAY BodySculpt CHUCKBAILEYRECREATIONCENTRE PROGRAM MONDAY TUESDAY BodySculpt Bootcamp Badminton–Adult Stay& Play– Parent& Tot Sports– Free Preteen/Youth* Sports– FreeYouth
Leadership Join thisworkshop for a tonof fun. Learn leadership values through teambuilding and leadershipgames,groupdiscussions, and activities. Sports A youthonly time toplay sports inour gymnasiums.Youthdecidewhat sports they would like toplay.Sportsmaydiffer from facility to facilitydependingon interest and resources. StreetDance -OpenStyle A streetdancedrop in time for freestylehip hop,popping, locking,waaching&house dance styles.All levelswelcome. WeightTraining WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 11am–12noon FLEETWOODCOMMUNI YCENTRE PROGRAM MONDAY TUESDAY 11am–12pm 11am–12pm Stay& Play– Parent& Tot 9:30am–11am
Can’t commit to a registeredprogram?Drop intoour gymnasiums as littleor asmuch as you like.Try something new!Checkoutourwide varietyof indoor sp rts activities for all ages and abilities.Equipment isprovidedor you can bring yourown.Drop-ingym is agreatway tomeetnew peoplew ileh ving fun and staying active for life.
ls and your od. Share ledge with
Adrop-in runby fellow youthwhere you can tap into your creativity tank.All artswelcome toutilize this space topractice, create and share your art! BoysGroup Connectwith yourpeers andour trained youth staff todevelop social skills andgain new experiences.Games, teambuilding activities and conversationswilldevelop anunderstanding and connection to the community through recreation.Some activities include sports, arts, cooking, and science experiments. Breakdance Adrop-in time specifically topractice
to all the freedrop-in activities listed in thisguide. Activities include sports, cooking,breakdancing, crafts, videogames, foosball, andmore! MAKE YOUR IDEAS HAPPEN! Interested in something thatwedon'toffer?Have an idea for aprojector an event,butneed somehelpor support tomake ithappen?The youth staff in your community are looking toworkwith you. If youhave an idea for an activityor event,or are just looking for some free space toget togetherwith your friends for a smallproject, then contact your local recreation centre. We can'twait tohear from you! ClassDescriptions CARDIO BOLLYWOOD AEROBICS BOOTCAMP SATURDAY SUNDAY surrey.ca/drop-in 12:15pm–2:15pm 7:45pm–9:45pm 7:15am–9:15am 6:15pm–7:30pm 7:15pm–9:45pm 11am–12pm 11am–12pm 6:30pm–10pm 6pm–10:30pm 9:30am–11am
Now you can BOOKYOUR SPOT for ANY DROP-INACTIVITIES one day in a vanceeither online, in person or by phone at 604-501-5100.
8pm–9:45pm 12:15pm–3pm
Guideor checkonline formore information. FitnessCentreOrientations
Please call ahead to confirm and reserve spots. Family gym participantsmust have 1 (ormore) adults plus 1 (ormore) children.
8:30am–10am 3:30pm–5:30pm
If you are looking toget startedwithweight and cardio equipment, ask aboutour fitness centre introductions.Certified instructorswill lead you through anorientationonhow toproperlyuse theweight and cardiomachines.
rough s mastering .
Experience a cardioworkout combining Indian dance moves toBollywoodmusic. Increase strength, stamina and flexibilitywith a variety of fitness and athletic conditioning drills. ADULT
Minimum age 13 yrs (ID required).Consult yourdoctorprior to beginning a fitnessprogram.TheCityofSurrey isnot responsible for lost, stolenordamaged items.A feewillbe charged for lost locker keys. PersonalTraining PersonalTraining Our certifiedpersonal trainerswill create inspiring,highlypersonalized plansdesigned just for you!
InitialConsultation (90minutes) OngoingSessions (1hour) 5SwipePass (for thepriceof 4) RecreationalBadminton for familie (minimum 1 parent/ guardian and 1 dependent). RecreationalBadminton available to players 13 years and older.Game play and player rotation between multiple courts.All kill levels and abilitieswelcome. RecreationalBadminton for adults of all skill levels from beginner to advanced.Game play and player rotation betweenmultiple courts. Social recreation programwhere 55+ participants with previous experience and knowledge of the sport arewelcome.Game play and player rotation between multiple courts. RecreationalBadminton designated for youth ages 13-18 years.
NO TIME FOR A REGISTERED PROGRAM? breakdancing!Practice, learn and improve withpeers andbecomepartof a friendly, inclusivedance community.Nopriordance experience required.All levelswelcome. Joinother videogame enthusiasts forplaying and socializing time.Thegamersdecideon thegames thatwillbeplayed,newgames topurchase, etc.Newplayers are always welcome andnoprior experience isneeded. GirlsGroup Join an experienced instructor andbecome familiarwith the fitness centre. Focuson safe and effective training techniques. CARDIOCOMBO Combine a variety of formats such as step, high/ low, cardio drills or cardio kickbox, includingmuscle conditioning. CARDIOKICKBOX Tonemuscles and improve stamina using a choreographed routine of punching and kicking drills. HIGH/LOW AEROBICS Learn a choreographed cardioworkout that offers all levels of intensity. HIIT Challenge yourselfwith high-intensity intervalswith periods of recovery for a time-efficientworkout. NORTHSURREYSPORT& ICECOMPLEX PROGRAM MONDAY TUESDAY IndoorCycling WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 9:15am–10:15am 9:15am–10:15am CoreConditioning 5:30pm–6:15pm Fit 55+ 9:15am–10:15am 9:15am–10:15am 9:15am–10:15am Fit 55+ Lit 12pm–12:45pm 10:30am–11:30am GentleYga 1pm–2pm 1pm–2pm YinYoga 6:30pm–7:45pm Yoga 9:15am–10:30am 5:30pm–6:30pm 6pm–7:15pm 12pm–1pm 1:15pm–2:15pm ADULT 55+ YOUTH FAMILY ImproveYourSkills We alsooffer a varietyof registered sportsprograms for all ages and skill levels ledbyqualified instructors.Check outour registeredprogra s in theRecreationGuide at all facilities andonline. WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 8pm–10p ‡ 8pm–10pm ‡ 9:30am–11:30am 9:30am-11:30am ^ 9:30am–11:30am 9:30am-11:30am ^ 12pm–1:30pm 6:30pm–8pm *6pm–10pm Table Tennis– 55+ 12pm–4p 1:30pm–4pm *4th Friday of themonth only. ^ H ld at SurreySport& LeisureComplex -Arenas 16555 FraserHwy 604-501-5859 ‡ Held at CoyoteCreekElem nt rySchool 8131 156St
RECREATION, SOCIAL & LEARNING Opportunities Yoga Fit 55+ BodySculpt
This funnight isplanned around activities thathavebeen requestedby youth for youth! Crafts, cooking, spa, fitness and art are just someof thedifferent themednights.Bring your energy and suggestions asnew ideas are alwayswelcome. 6:15am–7am 4:45pm–5:45pm 6pm–7pm
YOUTH LEADERSHIP Join in anddevelop valuable leadership skillsby making adifference in your community. INDOORCYCLING GymnasiumEtiquette Onlynon-marking shoesmaybeworn in thegym. Wear appropriategym attire: cleanT–shirts, s orts/sweatpants, clean athletic shoes GYA GuildfordYouthAdvisoryGroup youth@surrey.ca 10-18yrs 9:15am–10:15am STEP STEP INTERVAL SATURDAY SUNDAY 8am–9am
Join a non-impact cyclingworkout that features a variety of drills including hills, sprints and intervals. Choreography-based class using step routines and movements. Improve coordination and endurance. 13+ Combine step intervals andmuscle conditioning exercises in a non-choreography class. Use bodyweight resistance exercises and “High Intensity Tempo Training” intervals for a full body, functional cardioworkout. Incorporate themulti-stationSYNRGY functional and strength training unit featuring a variety of equipment including TRX. High-intensity intermittent exercise.An exercise strategy alternating periods of short intense anaerobic exercise with less intense recovery periods. BASKETBALL ADULT ADULT 30 YEARS+ VALUE 13+
WEDNESDAY 7am–7:45am 5:45pm–6:45pm
FRIDAY HELP KEEP YOUR POOL Clean, Safe & Secure Enjoy your swim,play safe. Childrenunder the ageof 7 years,mustbewithin 6:15am–7pm 5:45pm–6:45pm 6:30am–7:30am 6:15pm–7:15pm 1pm–2pm 12pm–1pm 5pm–6pm
6:30am–7:30am 12pm–1pm
Semi-Private Completionof theParQ+medical screening form is requiredbefore personal training sessionsbegin. 24hours advancenotification is required to cancelor re-schedule training sessions. $ 90.00 $ 90.00 (perperson) $ 60.00
Enjoy recreationalBadminton at a discounted rate for players 13 years and older.
12pm–1pm 1pm–1:45pm
$ 239.25
$ 90.00 (pergroup)
TRXSuspension Training CardioCombo Circuit Training SYNRGYCircuit
S.L.Y.C 10:30am–11:30am Noopen toe shoesor sandals Be courteous and respectful Placebelongings in lockers Turn cellularphones to silentmode
1pm–1:45pm Now you can BOOKYOURSPOT for ANY DROP-INACTIVITIES one day in advance either online, in person or by phone at 604-501-5100. 5pm–6pm 4pm–5pm 12pm–1pm arms reach in thewaterof a responsible adult 14 yearsof ageorolder 9:15am–10:15am
Surrey LeadershipYouthCouncil youth@surrey.ca
$ 359.75 (pergroup)
RecreationalBasketball for adults of all skill levels from beginner to advanced.Game play and player rotation betweenmultiple courts. This session is reserved for adults 30 years or older of all skill levels. Patrons under this agemay be put on a wait list day of and space permitting,may join after the program starts. Recreation basketball open for families of all skill levels from beginner to advanced.Minimum 1 parent/guardian and 1 dependent.
DROP-IN SCHEDULES DROP-IN ADMISSIONS&PASSES Our varietyof admissions andpassesoffergreat value and access to alldrop-in activities valid at anyofour recreation facilities including: pools, arenas,gyms and fitness centres. RecreationPass UnlimitedVisits AnnualorMonthly Type Term Child/Youth 2–18yrs Student* Adult 19–59yrs Senior Family‡ 60–69yrs 70yrs+ Recreation Pass 1year $267.25 $400.75 $534.25 $400.75° $133.75° $1068.50 1month 36.50 54.75 73.00 54.75 18.25 146.00 Admissions SingleorMulti-Visit Type Term Child/Youth 2–18yrs Student* Adult 19–59yrs Senior Family‡ 60–69yrs 70yrs+ Drop-in 1 visit $ 3.75 $ 5.50 $ 7.25 $ 5.50 $ 2.00 $ 3.75^ Value Rates« 1 visit 2.00 2.75 3.75 2.75 1.00 2.00^ Swipe Pass 10 visits 34.00 49.50 65.50 49.50 18.00 N/A 20 visits 60.00 88.00 116.00 88.00 32.00 N/A PaymentOptions Surreyoffersmonthlypaymentoptions for the annualRecreation Pass.Makepaymentsusing automaticdebitor credit card.Skip the lineup andbuy your annual,monthlyor swipepassesonline. FAMILY 13+ VALUE 13+ YOUTH YOUTH (ADAPTED) Hoursofoperationandprogramsmaydifferonholidays and longweekends.Please lookonline for themost current informationor contact the facility to confirm. Easter LongWeekend Apr10 –13 VictoriaDay LongWe kend May16 –18 CanadaDay Wednesday July1 Shedulesare subject to changewithoutnotice. SurreyYouthStewardshipSquad 604-501-5167 stewardship@surrey.ca TABATA 8am–9am Teen LibraryCouncil 604-598-7359 6pm–7pm YouthEventsSquad youth@surrey.ca YouthArt Youth andCommunityArt surrey.ca/communityart communityart@surrey.ca DROP-IN SCHEDULES ZUMBA Fitness
T.L.C 6:45pm–7:45pm Please lockupbelongings while swimmingor showering. Bathing attire shouldbe clean and safe to swim in. 9:15am–10:15am
Swimdiapersmustbeworn ifnot toilet-trained, these are available forpurchase at the frontdesk if you forget yours.
e and access to ities including:
Enjoy a fusion of international rhythms and choreographed dance routines.
Arenas RecreationPass UnlimitedVisits AnnualorMonthly Type Term Child/Youth 2–18yrs Student* Adult 19–59yrs Senior Family‡ 60–69yrs 70yrs+ Recreation Pass 1year $267.25 $400.75 $534.25 $400.75° $133.75° $1068.50 1month 36.50 54.75 73.00 54.75 18.25 146.00 Admissions SingleorMulti-Visit Type Term Child/Youth 2–18yrs Student* Adult 19–59yrs Senior Family‡ 60–69yrs 70yrs+ Drop-in 1 visit $ 3.75 $ 5.50 $ 7.25 $ 5.50 $ 2.00 $ 3.75^ Value Rates« 1 visit 2.00 2.75 3.75 2.75 1.00 2.00^ Swipe Pass 10 visits 34.00 49.50 65.50 49.50 18.00 N/A 20 visits 60.00 88.00 116.00 88.00 32.00 N/A PaymentOptions Have a cleansing shower prior to enteringpool area. Divingpermitted in approved areas. Pleaseuse your cellphones appropriately. Lifejackets are availableupon request. Wheelchairs are available upon request. Accessible lift availableupon request. Swimming lessons and aquatic fitness services are available. 146.00 Family‡ 70yrs+ $ 3.75^ 1.00 2.00^ 18.00 Surreyoffersmonthlypaymentoptions for the annualRecreation Pass.Makepaymentsusing automaticdebitor credit card.Skip the lineup andbuy your annual,monthlyor swipepassesonline. * Rates only apply for accredited post-secondary institutions and require proof of student ID. ° Includes a complimentarySeniorsServicesMembership. ‡ Includes amaximum of two adults and unlimited dependent children 18 years or younger. ^ Per familymmber (minimum one parent/guardian and one dependent child 18 years or younger). « Offered at some facilities during non-prime times. If a facility offers value rates itwill be indicated onthe drop-in schedule for that facility. H ursofoperationandprogramsmaydifferonholidays and longweekends.Please lookonline for themost current informationor contact the facility to confirm. Easter LongWeekend Apr10 –13 VictoriaDay LongWeekend May16 –18 CanadaDay Wednesday July1 Schedulesare subject to changewithoutnotice. N/A 32.00 N/A $ 83.50 Y.E.S. DROP-IN ADMISSIONS&PASSES Our varietyof admissions andpassesoffergreat value and access to alldrop-in activities valid at anyofour recreation facilities including: pools, arenas,gyms and fitness centres. * Rates only apply for accredited post-secondary institutions and require proof of student ID. ° Includes a complimentarySeniorsServicesMembership. ‡ Includes amaximum of two adults and unlimited dependent children 18 years or younger. ^ Per familymember (minimum one parent/guardian and one dependent child 18 years or youngr). « Offered at some facilities during non-prime times. If a facility offers value rates itwill be indicated on the drop-in schedule for that facility. Sch dules are subject to changewithout notice.
Bare feet and indoor shoes onlyon thepooldeck and shower areas. Remember to stayhydrated usingbreak-proof containers.
Try a combination of ballet, Pilates, strength and flexibility training using a ballet barre. Use a variety of equipment and exercises in this strength trainingworkout.
Drop-in $267.25 $400.75 6am–11:30pm Leadership & Events BODYSCULPT CHAIREXERCISES PICKLEBALL ADULT 55+ FAMILY 13+ VALUE 13+ SOCCER
RecreationalBasketball available to players 13 years and older.Game play and player rotation betweenmultiple courts.All skill levels and abilitieswelcome. EnjoyRecreationalBasketball at a discounted rate for players 13 years and older. RecreationalBasketball designated for youth ages 13-18 years.
1year A gentle introduction to exercise.Maintain balance and coordination using a chair for support. CIRCUITTRAINING Move from station to station in the fitness centre.Use a variety of equipment to improve cardio and strength. CORE CONDITIONING Place emphasis on strengthening yourmajor core muscles, improve balance and core stability. FUNCTIONAL TRAINING Focus on day-to-daymovements bymaintaining and improving balance, core strength and tability. TRXSUSPENSION TRAINING A bodyweight strength-basedworkout to target all muscle groups, increase core str gth and flexibility. COMBOCLASS Try a combination of two class formats thatmay include cardiovascular, strength or stretch components. 73.00 54.75
DROP-IN ADMISSIONS&PASSES Our varietyof admissions andpassesoffergreat value and access to alldrop-in activities valid at anyofour recreation facilities including: pools, arenas,gyms and fitness centres. RecreationPass UnlimitedVisits AnnualorMonthly Type Term Child/Youth 2–18yrs Student* Adult 19–59yrs Senior Family‡ 60–69yrs 70yrs+ If you are sick,ple se stay homeuntil you arebetter. Ourpools are scent free spaces. Recreational Pi kleball offered at a discounted rate for players 13 years andolder.Open to all abilities. Social recre tion programwhere 55+ participants with previous experience and knowledge of the sport arewelcome.Game play and player rotation between multiple courts. Recreational Pickleball is open for families of all skill levels from beginner to advanced.Minimum 1 parent/ guardian and 1 dependent.
r Monthly ior
Youth DROP-IN ADMISSIONS&PASSES Our varietyof admissions andpassesoffergreat value and access to alldrop-in activities valid at anyofour recreation facilities including: pools, arenas,gyms and fitness centres. RecreationPass UnlimitedVisits AnnualorMonthly Type Term Child/Youth 2–18yrs Student* Adult 19–59yrs Senior Family‡ 60–69yrs 70yrs+ Recreation Pass 1year $267.25 $400.75 $534.25 $400.75° $133.75° $1068.50 1month 36.50 54.75 73.00 54.75 18.25 146.00 Admissions SingleorMulti-Visit Type Term Child/Youth 2–18yrs Student* Adult 19–59yrs Senior Family‡ 60–69yrs 70yrs+ Drop-in 1 visit $ 3.75 $ 5.50 $ 7.25 $5.50 $ 2.00 $ 3.75^ Value Rates« 1 visit 2.00 2.75 3.75 2.75 1.00 2.00^ Swipe Pass 10 visits 34.00 49.50 65.50 49.50 18.00 N/A 20 visits 60.00 88.00 116.00 88.00 32.00 N/A PaymentOptions Surreyoffersmonthlypaymentoptions for the annualRecreation Pass.Makepaymentsusing automaticdebitor credit card.Skip the lineup andbuy your annual,monthlyor swipepassesonline.
OperatingHours Thehoursofoperationare subject tochangewithout noticeandaredependentonbookingsateachof the individual facilities.The frontdeskhoursarealso subject to changeasoncertain statutoryholidaysweareclosed.
RecreationalBasketball designated for youth ages 13-18 years,with developmental disabilities.
Family ‡
$534.25 DROP-IN ADMISSIONS&PASSES Our varietyof admissions andpassesoffergreat value and access to alldrop-in activities valid at anyofour recreation facilities including: pools, arenas,gyms and fitness centres. RecreationPass UnlimitedVisits AnnualorMonthly Type Term Child/Youth 2–18yrs Student* Adult 19–59yrs Senior Family‡ 60–69yrs 70yrs+ Recreation Pass 1year $267.25 $400.75 $534.25 $400.75° $133.75° $1068.50 1month 36.50 54.75 73.00 54.75 18.25 146.00 Admissions SingleorMulti-Visit Type Term Child/Youth 2–18yrs Student* Adult 19–59yrs Senior Family‡ 60–69yrs 70yrs+ Drop-in 1 visit $ 3.75 $ 5.50 $ 7.25 $ 5.50 $ 2.00 $ 3.75^ Value Rates« 1 visit 2.00 2.75 3.75 2.75 1.00 2.00^ Swipe Pass 10 visits 34.00 49.50 65.50 49.50 18.00 N/A 20 visits 60.00 88.00 116.00 88.00 32.00 N/A PaymentOptions Surreyoffersmonthlypaymentoptions for the annualRecreation Pass.Makepaymentsusing automaticdebitor credit card.Skip the lineup andbuy your annual,monthlyor swipepassesonline. Now you can BOOKYOURSPOT for ANY DROP-INACTIVITIES oneday in advance eitheronline, inpersonorbyphone at 604-501-5100. IfYouRequireSupport in thePool for SwimLessonsorPublicSwim A volunteer, caregiver, familymember,or external staffof at least 14 yearsof ge can attend lessonsorpublic swim atno cost toprovide additional in-water support for individualswho requirephysical, cognitive,behavioral, sensory and/or social integration assistance. For lessonsplease inform apool supervisorupon registration and forpublic swimprior to entry topool. Recreational Pickleball available to players 13 years and older.Game play and player rotation betweenmultiple courts.All skill levels and bilitieswelcome. Recreatio alSoccer open to all skill level from beginner to advan ed.Game play and player rotation between multiple courts. Recreational soccer open to youth (13-18 years) of all skill levels.Game play and player rotation between multiple courts. Recreatio al Table Tennis - all skill levelswelcome. Game play and play r rotation betweenmultiple courts. Social recreation programwhere 55+participants of all skill levels arewelcome.Game play and player rotation betweenmultiple tables. $400.75° $133.75° $1068.50 36.50 54.75 18.25 Senior 60–69yrs $ 2.00 88.00 10Swipe * Rates only apply for accredited post-secondary institutions and require proof of student ID. ° Includes a complimentarySeiorsServicesMembership. ‡ Includes amaximum of two adults and unlimited dependent children 18 years or younger. ^ Per familymember (minimum one parent/guardian and one dependent child 18 years or younger). « Offered at some facilities during non-prime times. If a facility offers value rates itwill be indicated on the drop-in schedule for that facility. 9.25 Drop-in $ 3.75
70yrs+ $133.75° $1068.50 18.25 146.00
NorthSurreySport& IceComplex 10950 126AStreet 604-591-4410 HoursofOperation Monday–Sunday
Monday–Friday YouthEventsSquad Various locations
6am–9pm 7am–8pm 8am–8pm
Recreation Pass ADULT
Saturday Sunday
Purchase a Seniors Services Membership and join us for volunteer led drop-in activities! Look for the Spring Seniors Drop-in Schedule online or in recreation facilities starting March 18. surrey.ca/recreation 096542 Drop-in 1 visit $ 3.75 $ 5.50 $ 7.25 $ 5.50 Value Rates« 1 visit 2.00 2.75 3.75 2.75 Swipe Pass 10 visits 34.00 49.50 65.50 49.50 20 visits 60.00 88.00 116.00 SpecialtyAdmissions&RentalFees Pass Type PublicSkate -Daytime• Monday-Friday Adult FigureSkating• RecreationalHockey• SeniorsRecHockey• Monday-Friday Saturday -Sunday Stick& Puck• YouthHockey• Adult Child/Youth SkateRental HelmetRental SkateSharpening CSACERTIFIEDHELMETS AREMANDATORYFOR ICESKATINGLESSONS Hoursofoperationandprogramsmaydifferonholidays and longweekends.Please lookonline for themost current informationor contact the facility to confirm. Easter LongWeekend Apr10 –13 VictoriaDay LongWeekend May16 –18 CanadaDay Wednesday July1 Schedulesare subject to changewithoutnotice. SurreySport& LeisureArena 110 – 16555 FraserHwy 604-501-5881 HoursofOperation Monday–Sunday 6am–11:30pm FrontDeskhours Monday 9am–7:30pm Tuesday 7:30am–8pm Wednesday 9am–7:30pm Thursday 7:30am–7:15pm Friday 9am–4pm Saturday 9:15am–12:15pm Sunday 9:45am–2:15pm SouthSurreyArena 2199 148Street 604-502-6200 HoursofOperation Monday–Sunday 6am–11:30pm FrontDeskHours Monday–Wednesday 8:45am–1:15pm Monday,Wednesday 4:15pm–6:45pm Thursday 3:45pm–6:15pm Friday 8:45am–1:15pm Saturday 10:30am–3:45pm Sunday Closed Now you can BOOKYOURSPOT for ANY DROP-INACTIVITIES one day in advance either online, in person or by phone at 604-501-5100. surrey.ca/drop-in LOOKING FOR MORE? CheckoutourRecreationGuideordrop-in schedules for informationon swimming, skating, fitness centres and moredrop-in sports times.Regular admissionwill apply. FitnessCentres Classes andDrop-ins are available for anyone 13 years orolder.Refer toouronline schedulesorpick-up the latestdrop-in schedule at your local recreation centre. SportsSpecificDrop-In Play your sportof choice.Specific sports times for soccer,basketball,badminton, andmore.Drop-in fee required. Skating&Swimming In addition to times that areopen to thepublic at large, many recr ation centreshave time set aside for youth aswell. Join yourpeers tocreate specialevents inSurrey that youand your friendswant toattend. Learnaboutevent planning,build skillsandgain valuableexperience. Detailsat surrey.ca/youth. SurreyLeadership YouthCouncil 13-18yrs SurreyCityHall youth@surrey.ca Have thoughts,opinions, and ideas about your community? Encourageother youth inSurrey to speakupby joining the (SLYC). Every 2ndMonday 4:30pm–6:30pm SurreyStepsUp Friday,March 6 SurreyCityHall Celebrate theamazing youngpeoplewhoare transforming our schoolsandcommunities throughgooddeeds, communityprojects,creatingartandmore. Detailsat surrey.ca/stepsup. surrey.ca/youth 105933 ADULT55+ BALL,BALANCE ANDSTRENGTH55+ Use a stability ball and various equipment tomaintain and improve strength and balance. CHAIR EXERCISES55+ A gentle introduction to exercise.Maintain balance and coordination using a chair for support. CIRCUIT TRAINING55+ Move from station to station in the fitness centre.Use a variety of equipment to improve cardio and strength. FIT5 + Amoderate intensity low-impact cardio class. Improve muscul r strength and enjoy a relaxation stretch. FIT55+LITE Experience a low tomoderate intensity class introducing upper and lower bodymuscle conditioning a d stretching. The use of a chair is optional. INDOOR CYCLING55+ Join a non-impact cyclingworko t that features a variety of drills including hills, sprints and intervals. YOGA55+ Develop strength, flexibility and proper body alignment while completing a combination ofYoga p stures. May include ameditation component. MINDBODY FITNESSYOGA Focus on body conditioning in a series ofYoga and non- Yoga exercises.May include ameditation component FLOWYOGA Experience a challenging series of postures connected by continuousmovement and controlled breathing. GENTLEYOGA A slower pacedYoga class.Use support d postures and modifications.May include ameditation component. PILATES A core conditioning routine emphasizing spinal and pelvic alignment. Improve strength and balance. YINYOGA Target the connective tissues of the hips, pelvis and lower spine, stretching and releasing through longer-held postures. YOGA Develop strength, flexibility and proper body alignment while completing a combinatio ofYoga postures.May include ameditation component. 105835 surrey.ca/drop-in LongWeekend Apr10 –13 VictoriaDay LongWeekend May16 –18 YOUTH TABLETENNIS ADULT ADULT 55+ FAMILY VOLLEYBALL ADULT VALUE 13+ MULTISPORT SPORTS– 13+ Available to players 13 years and older. All skill levels and abiliteswelcome. SPORTS– FAMILY Equipment provided formultisport options for families. Minimum 1 parent/guardian and 1 dependent. SPORTS– FREE PRETEEN Free, validYouthServicesMembership required to attend. Prete n (Grad s 5-7) tim in the gym. SPORTS– FREE YOUTH Free, validYouthServicesMembership required to attend.Youth (Grades 8-12) time in the gym. STAY&PLAY –PARENT PARTICIPATION Designed to encour ge social interaction for preschool children,with tumble toys,mats and otherequi ment provided. Pleasearriveon time for theprogram. There isa tenminutegraceperiod,however, ifafter tenminutesyouareano-show, thenextperson on thewait-listwillgetyour spot. 105928 Admissions SingleorMulti-Visit Type Term Child/Youth 2–18yrs Student* Adult 19–59yrs
* Rates only apply for accredited post-secondary institutions and require proof of student ID. ° Includes a complimentarySeniorsServicesMembership. ‡ Includes amaximum of two adults and unlimited dependent children 18 years or younger. ^ Per familymember (minimum one parent/guardian and one dependent child 18 years or younger). « Offered at some facilities during non-prime times. If a facility offers value rates itwill be indicated on the drop-in schedule for that facility.
Family ‡
70yrs+ $ 2.00
* Rates only apply for accredited post-secondary institutions and require proof of student ID. ° Includes a complimentarySeniorsServicesMembership. ‡ Includes amaximum of two adults and unlimited dependent children 18 years or younger. ^ Per familymember (minimum one parent/guardian and one dependent child 18 years or younger). « Offered at some facilities during non-prime times. If a facility offers value rates itwill be indicated on the drop-in schedule for that facility. PaymentOptions Surreyoffersmonthlypaymentoptions for the annualRecreation Pass.Makepaymentsusing automaticdebitor credit card.Skip the lineup andbuy your annual,monthlyor swipepassesonline. Hoursofoperationandprogramsmaydiff ronholidays and longweekends.Please lookonline for themost current informationor contact the facility to confirm. Easter CanadaDay Wednesday July1 Schedulesare subject to changewithoutnotice. Recreation l Table Tennis for families.Available to players 13 years and older.All skill level and abilities welcome.Minimum 1 parent/guardian and 1 dependent. Recreational adult volleyballwher all skill l vels from beginner to advanced arewelcome.Game play and player rotation betweenmultiple courts. RecreationalVoll yball availabl to players 13 years and older.Game play and player rotation between multiple courts.All skill levels and abilitieswelcome at a discounted rat .
$ 3.75^
18.00 32.00
MARCH30 - JUNE28 SOUTHSURREY&SSLC creatingmeaningful, relevantexperienceswhere youngpeople feel safe,welcome, valued and inspired.Nomatterwhat you’repassionate about, Surrey hasendless activities andevents created just for you! 2020 Spring 2020 # what inspires you Looking for something new andexciting — a fun activity to try, aplace to hangoutor a chance to develop valuable skills andmeet new friends? RecreationSurreyoffers awide rangeofexciting recreation, sports and leadershipopportunities, unique spaces andevents speciallydesigned to engage,empower andentertain.Ourexperienced anddedicated staff’s numberonepriority is Spring Spring
83.50 70.00
9.25 7.75
Pleasearriveon time for class. Ifyouareanot thereat the startof class,your spot willbegiven to thenextpersonon thewaitlist. surey.ca/pools
nual Recreation dit card. Skip the sses online.
29.50 16.00
3.25 1.75
7.50 Hoursofoperationandprogramsmaydifferonholidays and longweekends.Please lookonline for themost current informationor contact the facility to confirm. Easter LongWeekend Apr10 –13 VictoriaDay LongWeekend May16 –18 CanadaDay Wednesday July1 Schedulesare subject to changewithoutnotice. surrey.ca/recreation 67.50 •Admission is includedwith the purchase of aRecreation Pass. Schedules are subject to changewithout notice.
HEALTHY, ACTIVE LIVING Find Your Fit! Interested in trying something new, meeting new people and enjoying a healthy, active lifestyle? Supporting health and wellness through fun, active living, City of Surrey’s adult 55+ programs, services, resources and events are designed to meet the needs of all interests and abilities.
Schedules are subject to changewithoutnotice.
quire proof of student ID.
ren 18 years or younger. ndent child 18 years
fers value rates it will be
rams may apply.
iffer on holidays the most current o confirm.
Canada Day Wednesday July 1
thout notice.
FACILITIES WITH Drop-in 55+ Activities Membership activities require a Surrey's Senior Services Membership for participation. Nominal admission or membership fees may be charged for these activities.
Bus Trips For Seniors 55+
CLOVERDALE Cloverdale Recreation Centre FLEETWOOD Fleetwood Community Centre GUILDFORD Guildford Recreation Centre/Pool
6188 176 Street 604-598-7960
15996 84 Avenue 604-501-5030
15105 105 Avenue 604-502-6360
NEWTON Newton Seniors Centre SOUTH SURREY South Surrey Recreation & Arts Centre
13775 70 Avenue 604-501-5010
Recreation Surrey offers monthly day trips to interesting destinations around the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley. For more information and trip details, please see the Spring 2020 BusTrip 55+ brochure at your recreation facility.
14601 20 Avenue
WHALLEY Chuck Bailey Recreation Centre
13458 107A Ave 604-598-5898
@ surreybcrec
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