Spring Recreation Guide 2022

aquatic leadership & first aid

Aquatics aquatic leadership & f irst aid

Water Safety Instructor (WSI) The City of Surrey has broken down this program into two modules. WSI - Module 1 Prerequisite: 15 years+ and Swim Kids Level 10 strokes and skills Recommended: Bronze Cross, Standard First Aid with CPR-C/AED

IMPORTANT NOTICE Program disruptions or functional closures of facilities may occur if the minimum number of staff required to operate safely are not available to work. Your patience and understanding are appreciated.

SKILLS EVALUATION Includes a 6 hour stroke evaluation which evaluates if candidates possess the necessary water safety skills and Swim Kids Level 10 stroke proficiency.

ONLINE MODULES 20 hours of online modules that is completed on the candidate’s own time.

WSI - Module 2 Prerequisite WSI - Module 1

TEACHING EXPERIENCE This module includes 8-12 hours of practice teaching. Candidates have first-hand experience observing real progressions and swimmer skills with a mix of personalities and abilities in swim classes. Candidates take what they’ve learned online, and put it into practice teaching alongside an experienced Swim Instructor.


Candidates are assessed on their ability to effectively plan, teach, and evaluate the Red Cross Swim programs.

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Water Safety Instructor Certification Valid for two years. Water Safety Instructor (WSI) Module 1 and 2

Bronze Medallion Judgment, knowledge, skill and fitness – the four components of water rescue – form the basis of Bronze Medallion training. Candidates acquire the assessment and problem-solving skills needed to make good decisions in, on and around the water. 13+ years or have a Bronze Star certification required. FLEETWOOD 3 Sessions $136.20 13yrs+ F 5pm–9pm Apr 1 136628 Sa,Su 9am–5:30pm F,Sa,Su 9:45am–5pm May 6 136629 F 5pm–9pm May 27 136666 Su, M 9am–5:30pm Surrey Sport and Leisure Complex GUILDFORD 4 Sessions $136.20 13yrs+ M,F,Sa,Su 10am–3pm Apr 15 136680 Guildford Recreation Centre SOUTH 3 Sessions $136.20 13yrs+ F 5pm–9pm Apr 1 136474 Sa 9am–5:30pm M,Sa,Su 9:45am–5pm May 21 136478 Grandview Heights Aquatic Centre

Bronze Cross Bronze Cross begins the transition from lifesaving to lifeguarding and prepares candidates for responsibilities as Assistant Lifeguards. Candidates strengthen and expand their lifesaving skills and begin to apply the principles and techniques of active surveillance in aquatic facilities. Bronze Cross emphasizes the importance of teamwork and communication in preventing and responding to aquatic emergencies. Bronze Medallion Certification required. FLEETWOOD 3 Sessions $166.20 13yrs+ F 5pm–9pm Apr 8 136639 Sa,Su 9am–5:30pm M,Sa,Su 9:45am–5pm May 21 136637 Su 9:30am–4:45pm Jun 5 136670 Surrey Sport and Leisure Complex GUILDFORD 3 Sessions $166.20 13yrs+ F,Sa,Su 9:30am–4:45pm May 6 136685 Guildford Recreation Centre SOUTH 3 Sessions $166.20 13yrs+ Sa 9:45am–5pm Apr 30 136481 M,Sa,Su 9:45am–5pm May 28 136484 Grandview Heights Aquatic Centre Sign up to learn standard first aid skills including wound care and how to recognize and respond to choking, bleeding, chest pain, stroke and shock. Includes CPR C and training in the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED). NEWTON 2 Sessions $150.60 14yrs+ Sa,Su 9am–5pm Apr 2 136657 Sa,Su 9am–5pm Apr 30 136718 Sa,Su 9am–5pm May 21 136743 Sa,Su 9am–5pm Jun 11 136760 Newton Seniors Centre Standard First Aid with CPR C and AED

FLEETWOOD 7 Sessions $512.40 15yrs+ M,Sa,Su Times vary Apr 23 136737 Surrey Sport and Leisure Complex

Price does not include cost of manual, examination fee and all taxes.

Standard First Aid with CPR C and AED Recertification Review your standard first aid skills and get updates on the new standards. Includes CPR C and training in the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED). Required to show proof of current Standard First Aid certification. NEWTON 1 Session $69.80 14yrs+ Su 9am–5pm Apr 3 136663 Sa 9am–5pm Apr 16 136697 Sa 9am–5pm May 7 136740 Su 9am–5pm May 22 136745 Sa 9am–5pm Jun 4 136751 Su 9am–5pm Jun 12 136762 Sa 9am–5pm Jun 25 136765 Newton Seniors Centre

National Lifeguard (NL) Core and Pool Option Learn what it takes to become a lifeguard, including lifeguarding principles and skills, fitness requirements and making judgement calls. Bronze Cross and Standard First Aid with CPR C required. Price does not include cost of manual, examination fee and taxes. FLEETWOOD 6 Sessions $355.20 15yrs+ M,F,Sa,Su 9am–5:30pm Apr 15 136640 M-Th,Sa,Su 9am–5:30pm Jun 25 136642 Surrey Sport and Leisure Complex GUILDFORD 6 Sessions $355.20 15yrs+ M,Sa,Su 9am–5:30pm May 21 136686 Guildford Recreation Centre SOUTH 6 Sessions $355.20 15yrs+ Sa,Su 9am–5:30pm Jun 4 136486 Grandview Heights Aquatic Centre WHALLEY 8 Sessions $355.20 15yrs+ Sa,Su 1pm–7pm May 21 154625 Bear Creek Outdoor Pool

REGISTERED FOR A PROGRAM? Check your receipt for start dates, end dates,

class times, and cancellation days [if applicable].

PLEASE NOTE: Course times vary with the multiple dates. Check your receipt for complete date and time listing.

28 SPRING 2022  SURREY.CA/REGISTER  604-501-5100

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