www.surrey.ca/parksSurrey has over 200 parks for you to
enjoy this summer. Go swimming at
Crescent Beach, play in Fleetwood Park’s
spray park, check out scenic shoreline trails
at Mud Bay Park, fish for rainbow trout in
the lake at Green Timbers Urban Forest
and so much more!
Parks in Surrey
Do you have big dreams for your neighbourhood?
Help make them come true by connecting with the
Neighbourhood Team; e-mail
neighbourhoodteam@ surrey.caor visit
www.surrey.ca/engagement.Neighbourhood Toolkit
Check out our online toolkit for helpful community-building
resources and ideas:
Interested in improving your neighbourhood? Apply for the City’s
Neighbourhood Enhancement Grant for financial support for your
project! All Surrey residents, community groups, businesses and
associations can apply.
We can help make your next local community event a success! If
you’re planning something like a block party, festival, outdoor music
performance, neighbourhood clean-up or art jam, you can borrow a
tent, tables, chairs, Block Party traffic barriers and even a portable
sound system.
Help build a happy, connected community by hosting your own
Neighbour Day event in August or September! Options include
backyard BBQs, park picnics, games nights and more - it’s up to you.
Learn how you can sign out event equipment, apply for a Celebration
and Activity Grant or enter the #SurreyNeighbourDay contest.
VolunteerCelebrate summer by getting connected to your local
park spaces as a volunteer. Visit
www.surrey.ca/volunteerto learn more about volunteering with the City.
Activate Your Park!
Surrey has hundreds of community parks, playgrounds, and gardens. Volunteer
to keep them healthy, active spaces for all to enjoy by picking up litter, caring
for a park bin, helping with a park beautification project, assisting at community
events and more. Opportunities available for individuals and groups - to find the
right fit and get started, e-mail
partnersinparks@surrey.caor call 604-501-5050.
Lend-a-Hand School Program
Calling all elementary and secondary teachers! Teach your students about social
responsibility and the value of volunteering by adopting a local park during the
school year. This free parks program includes an interactive in-class orientation
and all litter pick-up supplies. To register your class, call 604-501-5050, or email
partnersinparks@surrey.ca.Join SYSS [Surrey Youth Stewardship Squad]
Are you a high school-aged youth looking for volunteer experience in nature?
Care for the environment with our youth volunteer group! Plant trees and shrubs,
help wildlife, plan environmental projects and more! For all opportunities, training
and tools will be provided. Contact
environment@surrey.caor 604-591-4076 for
more information, or drop in to a SYSS event and get started right away:
Hazelnut Meadows Community Park
14069 68 Avenue
Friday, July 14 5pm - 7pm
Friday, August 18 5pm - 7pm
Care for Our Urban Forest!
Surrey’s urban forest has over 75,000 street trees and over 3800 acres of
natural areas. Volunteer to care for them by removing invasive plants, taking
care of wildlife, planting trees, improving tree wells and more. Opportunities
available for individuals and groups - to find the right fit and get started,
or call 604-501-5132.
Drop-in for the day to remove
invasive plants and prepare parks for planting in the fall! Meet new people,
earn volunteer hours, and give back to your community.
Saturdays 11am-1:30pm
All ages, tools and training provided.
Saturday, July 8
Saturday, August 12
Bose Forest Park
62 Ave & 164 St
Saturday, July 22
Saturday, August 26
Surrey Nature Centre
14225 Green Timbers Way
Saturday, August 19
Clayton Park
18513 70 Avenue