Birthday Party
Historic Stewart Farm
Join us in a birthday celebration for the
Stewart’s youngest son, John Massey.
Compete in Victorian lawn games, hand-
churn ice cream and share a slice of
cake with your family.
Saturday, July 15
All ages
Métis Celebration
Surrey Museum
Fly the oldest flag in Canada, try some
bannock, watch a traditional finger
weaver and enjoy fiddle music
as we celebrate Canadian
Métis heritage.
Saturday, July 29
All ages, by donation
Amazing Farm
Scavenger Hunt
Historic Stewart Farm
Bring a team of friends or family and
join in this race around the Farm. From
skill-testing questions to pioneer chores,
see if you can beat last year’s record
holders. There’s prizes and bragging
rights to be won! Be sure to check-in
at the welcome table by 2pm to ensure
your spot.
Saturday, August 12
All ages
Kids Gallery
Surrey Museum
This fun space is a Please Touch
Zone! Kids get their hands on big
ideas and green activities in this fully
interactive gallery. Ride the energy
bike, play with the pipe wall, climb
through the tree fort and explore
the world of sustainable energy.
What We Bring
Surrey Museum
On display May 23 to July 30
Just like today, many new immigrants
settled in Surrey 150 years ago. Find
out what life was like for them through
artifacts and images highlighting over a
century of Surrey’s immigration history.
Canada Is…
Historic Stewart Farm
On display April 22 to September 4
We’re more than maple syrup and
moose. We go beyond beavers and
hockey sticks. Share what it means
to be Canadian at this celebration of
150 years of Canuck culture. Photos
and objects from the community and
the Surrey Museum and Archives will
explore what it means to be a Canadian
today and tomorrow.
HeritageWe’re Sharing Surrey’s Heritage!
Surrey Archives surreyarchivesBecome a Heritage Volunteer!
Learn about Surrey’s rich history while facilitating fun games
and activities at Surrey Museum and Historic Stewart Farm.
For more information email
heritagevolunteer@surrey.caSearch Our
Database 24/7!
Photos from the 1960s? We’ve got them.
Vintage cameras ? Check that!
Find these and more on the Surrey Archives
& Museums Online Access (SAMOA) search
engine. You’ll find non-stop access to over
20,000 historic images, plus hundreds of artifacts
from the City's collections. SAMOA’s search
bookmarks, filters, featured items, and clear
design make searching Surrey's history a breeze.
www.surrey.ca/heritageand click on
SAMOAOnline Access to start your search!
Subscribe to Heritage
Would you like to receive e-mail
updates on programs, events and
exhibits at Surrey’s heritage facilities?
Are you a teacher or homeschooler
interested in heritage school programs?
Go to:
www.surrey.ca/heritageClick on Heritage Newsletter and enter
your name and e-mail address.
Heritage-Style Birthday Party!
We offer birthday parties in one-of-a-kind locations led by instructors
who know how to party and know a thing or two about history. You
bring the guests, presents and food, and we’ll provide the rest. Must
pre-book at 604-592-6956.
$15/child (birthday child is free)
Surrey Museum
Walk like an Egyptian, shiver your timbers
like a pirate, ride like a cowboy or be
queen for a day! Choose a theme, invite
friends, and have a memorable time.
Saturdays & Sundays
Historic Stewart Farm
Party like its 1899! Play old-time games
and make a pioneer craft to take home.
You supply the cake, and let the kids
churn the ice-cream.
Saturdays & Sundays
Discovery Saturdays
Discover the
Surrey Museum
in fun new ways with family
friendly celebrations of culture and history.
Third Saturday of most months, 1:00pm-4:00pm. All ages, by donation
Fibre Arts & Crafts
Get your hands on all things fibre as you try real looms and spinning
wheels, take in demonstrations, and make take-home textile crafts.
Saturday, July 15
We're closing for construction
on July 31, 2017.
The Surrey Museum is embarking on
an exciting journey of expansion and
growth. Construction on our addition
is scheduled to begin this summer.
New and expanded galleries will
enable us to contribute to community
life by celebrating Surrey’s past,
present and future. We’ll continue to
foster and welcome Surrey’s diverse
communities by connecting its people
to each other and to their stories.
Surrey Museum Expansion