Surrey Police Consultation Data
Property crime has really risen in our neighbourhood recently and homelessness is definitely contributing.
Proposal must be reviewed by Surrey citizens then voted on in referendum.I am strongly/totally opposed to proposal,I will be lobbying Provincial Government to reject proposal as not in Public interest.Mayor does not have mandate for this nonsense. Protection of private property, citizens, reinforcement of by laws, quicker response time. Dealing with homelessness that is not contributing to society, but creating problems for homeowners and business owners.
Providing safety for public and comfort.
Public consultation? A small foyer, question box, info board /table and oh yes his Surrey Police car. Are you kidding me where's the consultation? What a joke . Again no transparency. Where is the Mayor hiding now?
Public safety
Public Safety and Gun Crime
Public safety at bus stops and other public places
Public safety from tragetted shooting. I find it unsafe to move around in Plazas during night time. Put more officers on the street. Stop gangsters before they do crime rather than trying to catch them after the crime. Put the resources on the street. Directly engaging the criminal element on a daily basis, not letting them establish their crime base, disrupting it at every opportunity in the first instance, rather than trying to "fix it" after the fact.
Put twice as many police officers as we have now is important to mirror the resource level as Vancouver Police Department.
Putting more resources into sexual based crime - which was not even included in your list of priorities
Using technology advances to properly support police operations
Not having a Mayor or believed he should run the police force - the police
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