Surrey Police Consultation Data
We do not need a municipal police force. It is a waste of money and time and really is not required. The RCMP can fulfill any role a municipal police force can. We do not need a new force that is essentially a rebranding of the RCMP, this solves absolutely nothing! We do not need a new police department, the rcmp are good We do not need a new police force. We DO NOT need a Surrey PD. We DO NOT want to remove the RCMP. My answers reflect what I think the RCMP need to do better NOT replace them. We do not need this. This is a waste of money and I really hope the provincial government denies this report and request. We don’t need a new surrey police dept Give the rcmp the personnel they are supposed to have We don't need a Surrey police department that willcost taxpayers more. We don't need to change the police department from the RCMP and cause residents to pay millions just for the change. Use the money to add more RCMP in he field and to support community programs for youth like the arena that got cancelled. We need it! We have delta police and we don't feel afraid at all. We feel fine having our doors unlocked during the day - Surrey citizens are afraid. We need a better policing model than the current one. We need members staying here for more than the average of "7 years". We need officers that grew up on the streets and in the parks of Surrey. Make a meaner looking car & uniform please. We need a city police department. We need a referendum so residents can truly have their say on this matter We need a safe city. Create youth programs and be involved in sports. Encourage sports and scholarships for male youths. We need a SPD! Get rid of the RCMP immediately. We don't need a Surrey police force, have a vote on it, let us decide Dougie boy
We need a Surrey police department because that will help us and the police
We need an effective police service. We need the appropriate number of officers, the right equipment and must have the right balance between financially starving and over spending. Also, the survey needs an N/A column, e.g. we don't have children.
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