Surrey Police Consultation Data

Added cost to property taxes, that officers still need to follow the Charter and it will still be the same courts thus the criminally inclined will still be released back into the community

Address crime. We want local police not RCMP.

Address gang issues.

Address shooting and drug trafficking. Adopt a municipal police force, drop the RCMP as they are inadequate (controlled by Ottawa). Crime needs to be investigated and RCMP cannot keep up. Surrey needs more police/more proactive policing.

All local funded, operated and managed

All the questions are ridiculous leading questions that are just as pertinent for keeping the RCMP. You need to keep the RCMP and give them the tools, finances, and personnel that would allow them to do the job that we need. No Surrey force!

Allow the citizens of Surrey to vote to keep the RCMP after the cost I disclosed.

Amount of officers and how they are utilized but before all of this the mayor still needs to outline the cost as a tax payer we need to know or he will be a 4yr mayor and bye bye. Transparency is the key.

An appropriate decision making process not this method An unbiased survey for starters. I will not agree to a local police force until I see the numbers. What is the cost difference?

Analysis all issues concerning public safety & law & order issues. Prioritize them and work on to bring full public safety & law and order.

Arresting street level drug dealers

As important as it is for officers to come from our community, it is also important that they not be corrupted by familiar elements in the community.

Ask questions in a manner that truly give honest feedback and not lead you to your answer. Transparency/integrity do not exist with this Mayor/supporters. This is not "consultation" but lip service/load of BS! I can't express fully my anger at this.


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