Surrey Police Consultation Data
Being proactive and more police on the street to in high crime areas and out of their cars
Being transparent about costs, now and in future years
Being very clear on the problems to be solved before settling action plans.
believe that our tax dollars would be better spent on poilcing that focuses on violent crimes instead of nit-picking on very minor or victimless ones.
Below are some of the important things that the new SPD should establish: The higher ups, managers, should represent most of the different nationalities in the city; a Cadet program for youth, i.e. similar to VPD; and Reserves or Community Safety Cst
Best decision by Surrey City
Best should have a BC police, it is better to make a change than nothing
Better traffic system Bolster existing RCMP resources including lab resources. Abandon this political charade of a local force. Budget for the necessary equipment to safely deal with armed, dangerous drug-related offenders in regards to raids, exercising warrants, etc. Budget to ensure local force is current with issues such as sexism, whistle-blowing/anti-corruption. Budget on new police as well as transition.Recruitment in police must be very transparent and out of bribe.City of Surrey people will start asking Quota in recruitment,this will bring credibility down.Make sure business men are not involved at all. Budget Recruitment Retention and training of officers Budget. Use speed traps and traffic fines as a cash cow. It will help pay for the force while also reducing traffic issues in this city. I live on the intersection of 148 & 100 and I've seen so many speed related accidents that could killpedestrians Building Surrey police is a good idea so long as citizens taxes are not increased further as more than 50% of our salaries are paid to Government and Municipalities etc. in form or the other. Any police is Ok so long as it does its job diligently.
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