Surrey Police Consultation Data
Cost, initial and continuing Liaison with other police forces Infrastructure Freedom from city govt interference Support from citizens, not there yet. Information to be given to taxpayers regarding costs so we can make final decision on whether COST, integration with other forces, scale across all policing services that are difficult for an independent force, and an understanding that issue don't go away because you change forces. Society as a whole need to be engaged to address gaps
Cost, quality of well trained officers, consider stoping this change current RCMP se r e us well we cannot afford these unnecessary changes
Cost. I am in favor of keeping the RCMP.
Cost. Does the cost of replacing the RCMP make sense? City currently pays a subsidized cost of policing. Does the benefit of replacing a police force that is already fully integrated into the community make sense? We are already taxed to much Cost. Avoiding militarizing. Respect for people of all ethnic backgrounds. Effective grievance and conduct resolution. Costs
Costs and effectiveness
Costs and whether that would only equal what we are receiving now anyways. Costs are crucial Costs of munico vs Rcmp
costs, efficient , growth
Costs, provincial and federal money you will be losing, the integrated federal teams you will lose, and crime wont be changed just because there is a new uniform on the road.
Costs. Alternative methods of reducing crime. Providing more avenues for youth to be active and engaged in the community before they find belonging in a gang. Costs. No new taxes to fund this.
Costs. We are already taxed higher than our neighbours in the region and we need to diversify the tax base (add more businesses) to lessen the burden on working families.
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