Surrey Police Consultation Data
Diverse police officers
Diversity fine but uniform sans cultural gear imperative. Unity is our strength! There should be no oppty for favoritism beyond Canada first! Diversity comes to Canada b/c it's Canada - a nation with a Euro-Christian legal system. Respect and preserv Do not assume that a moving away from the current methods and policing methods will be better. I feel the current RCMP are policing Surrey very well. Please do not assume that the citizens or Surrey support moving away from our current police force. Do not change to Municipal Police Force. Continue with RCMP and increase manpower. If a portion of the expenditure required for Municipal Police was added to RCMP Budget they would be able to get the job done. I feel SAFE with the RCMP in charge!!!! Do not dictate a Surrey Police Force, respect the public and let us review all of the details as you do not have a mandate for this change. Do not form a new Surrey Police Department! City staff should work with the current RCMP. Creating a new police force will cost millions of dollars that are much better spend else where in the city such as a transportation, infrastructure & parks.
AS does not have the operational policing experience to take on Surrey PD. S. 22(1) S. 22(1)
S. 22(1)
Do not increase our property taxes just to justify Doug McCallum's personal vendetta against the RCMP. I do not have a problem with the RCMP and have always found helpful and friendly and see no good reason to change the police at this time.
Do not move forward keep current RCMP Do not want a municipal police force - fund rcmp and support them
Do something about all the gangsters running around everywhere in bars and restaurants... I don't wanna get shot up or stabbed when I'm out with my kids. Get rid of them!
Does it actually make sense to move to a Surrey Police Department? Shouldn't we try changing how we use or work with the RCMP first? Add officers, change where we focus, etc? Doing remove our police officers to investigate crimes in other cities keep them here to the job their own area
DON’T - STAY WITH RCMP. We can’t afford a new Surrey Police Dept.
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