Surrey Police Consultation Data

Having office that do speed, and driving enforcement. You need officers that can deal with the unsafe dumkp trucks like delta and new west Do. Surrey has no one checking the unsafe trucks

Having programs where youth and children can feel part of something so they don't even begin a life of crime. Even if those programs are free. Recreation should be as well. It will pay off in the long run Help our youth. Solve murders. Hi want to drug free school,kids safety,need people can trust surrey police ,want to see safe and bright And drug and gang free future.

Hire Local individuals that know the city Hire more RCMP instead of a whole new force which will do nothing except bolster the ego of the Mayor

Hire more rcmp.

Hire recruits from the sheriff department

Hire Surrey residents for police. Main motto must be to destroy gangs and their activities. There must be police officer present near by each school all the time when schools are open specially in morning time, lunch time & off time too. Thanks

Hire the right people for the job. Don’t just select individuals to meet a diversity quota. Pay well, have a union and attract good employees.

Hire those who actually volunteer with youth to help shape the city’s future and help direct children’s paths towards a prosperous future of gang free, harm free, worry free, healthy lifestyle.

hiring enough officers

Hiring more police officers.

Hiring officers from other law enforcement department not just from police. This will improve knowledge amongs officers. Such as border security and immigrations.

Hiring officers who live in Surrey, who are good with communicating with the locals and are able to possibly establish a good relationship with the people of surrey.

Honest police. Prioritizing their job.


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