Surrey Police Consultation Data
I believe surrey rcmp should stay! Increase the number Surrey has. We need to see the real facts about this proposal as I believe it will cost at least 60% more in policing costs to do this. This is a pipe dream the mayor has no ma I believe that if the city of Surrey were to give the funding to the RCMP that it is prepared to pay for city police, we would be far better off. I believe that the RCMP do an amazing job and with a few tweaks of the current system most issues can be resolved. I believe that we should stay with the RCMP. They Are more than capable of getting the job done just provide them with the finances to hire the necessary number of police. No need to double our cost by going time local force I believe we get good value with the existing RCMP and the emphasis should be on increasing the number of officers available in the community. I am concerned on the quality of policing we are to expect with this political action. I believe we should have well trained and equipped officers etc. We should not be concerned about ethnic diveristy. We need to have people that can handle the job and do their job, this is more important that meeting a set number of men/women or race I can strongly disagree regarding a new poice department. Will it be the same officers from RCMP working..where are you going to get the new officers. we are short officers now, but dont hire, makes no kind of sense what so ever. REFERENDUM I didn't vote and don't want a local police force. I have to pay for this and no one shows up at the meeting to answer questions or provide data/costs. I do not like the governance being under the mayor and his cronies. I want to keep the RCMP. I believe the RCMP is doing a good job.
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