Surrey Police Consultation Data
I think it is important for the city to realize that we need police officers to be able to actively solve crime and be active members in our community by being involved with understanding our community. I think it is important for the new Surrey Police Department to pay attention to the crimes revolving around the youth in Surrey I think it is important to consult the taxpayers of Surrey to see how many want to change our police force. I don’t. I think this is a closed decision because to put it to the vote would stop it in its tracks. It is arrogant to proceed in this way. I think it is time for the RCMP to leave our community. It is not feasible to address community issues, when you have Ottawa/EDiv dictating mandates and priorities. Members are not vested in the community and are just looking for the next promotion. I think it will be expensive and that there is no significant advantage to having a Surrey police force separate from the RCMP I think its a terrible idea to replace the RCMP! I am NOT in favour of a municipal police dept. The Surrey RCMP have done & continue to do an outstanding job policing in Surrey. Living & working in Whalley shows me the great work they do every day. I think it's a waste and short thinking to implement a civic police force. It will be the most corrupt in the nation. There will be no diversity and neither of the two official languages will be spoken. The expensense is also unjustifiable. I think it's important to consider transparency and what this will cost the public and how it will affect my taxes. I also want to know what will differ between RCMP and Surrey police since the RCMP is recognized world wide for their effort. I think it's important to have a strong focus on preventative programs that involve our youth. Being seen as approachable and friendly through programs that begin as early as early elementary can help students build relationships with officers.
I think it's important to keep the RCMP. Keep what we have and get more officers. I voted for Doug for skytrain not a new police force. I am happy with the RCMP.
I think it's very important to keep us in the loop at all times. As a long time Surrey resident I have never felt so left out as I am now. Doug McCallum's long standing feud with the RCMP has never been more apparent and it needs to stop.
I think local departments are too strict and enforcement heavy.
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