Surrey Police Consultation Data
I think that we should give the RCMP more funding to hire more members to accomplish these initiatives for a lot less cost than setting up a whole new police force. The above questions and statements are slanted to assume a Surrey police force.
I think the city is delusional about the costs associated with starting a new police department. What ever your budget is it's going to cost double that
I think the city should consult its citizens after it releases its proposed outcome. Then and only the once the community is engaged and informed will they be able to appreciate whether a transition should occur or if there are other options I think the Mayor should be more transparent and there should be a plebiscite on the issue of a Municipal vrs. RCMPolice Servce. I think the mayor should have the guts to have a referendum regarding changing the police dept from RCMP to a new outfit I think the most important thing is before jumping the gun to do your research as to whether the change is viable and worthwhile and present these findings to your constituents. It must be put to referendum.
I think the move to a metro policing model is a HUGE MISTAKE...remain with the RCMP and have the mayor and council to "steer" them to important Surrey matters
I think the people pushing through with this don't know anything about police work or what it will cost US the PEOPLE of surrey to fund this. We're taxed enough. These questions are absurd due to the fact the RCMP already offer all of the above.
I think the RCMP is doing a good job. I don’t think we need to waste taxpayers money so Doug McCallum can feel like a big shot
I think the RCMP is the best police org for the city due to their experience and knowledge of the community. Don't want more taxes for less experience. I think the SPD is a terrible idea that will end up costing Surrey residents both in the pocketbook as well as service levels. I think the survey is biased to the outcome of changing to a city force. I would have liked the opportunity to answer the question of whether I think a city police force is needed. 250 words is not sufficient either. this is not consultation/engagem I think they should stop being solective in the people they go after. There would be a lot less crime if they took the drug addicts off the streets considering they are criminals. Help teach our children there are consiqunces
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