Winter 2019 Recreation Guide
Piano - Beginner This course will familiarize you with the piano keyboard, its notes, and to learn to play familiar songs and sing-a-long tunes. FLEETWOOD 7 Sessions $52.15 6-9yrs F 3:45pm–4:45pm Jan 18 4636642 FLEETWOOD 7 Sessions $52.15 10-13yrs F 5:45pm–6:45pm Jan 18 4636644 Fleetwood Community Centre GUILDFORD 8 Sessions $59.60 6-8yrs W 4pm–5pm Jan 16 4633459 GUILDFORD 8 Sessions $59.60 9-12yrs W 5:15pm–6:15pm Jan 16 4633460 Guildford Recreation Centre SOUTH 8 Sessions $59.60 6-9yrs Tu 3:15pm–4:15pm Jan 15 4637039 SOUTH 8 Sessions $59.60 9-12yrs Tu 4:15pm–5:15pm Jan 15 4637042 South Surrey Recreation & Arts Centre Piano - Beginner - Family This course will familiarize you & your family with the piano keyboard, its notes, and to learn to play familiar songs and sing-a-long tunes. A great way for families to be participate together! GUILDFORD 5 Sessions $17.50 6yrs+ Su 1:45pm–2:45pm Jan 13 4634993 Guildford Recreation Centre
Piano - Intermediate Learn and practice new material to expand basic piano skill and knowledge. Must have taken piano or played in the past. FLEETWOOD 7 Sessions $52.15 6-9yrs F 4:45pm–5:45pm Jan 18 4636646 FLEETWOOD 7 Sessions $52.15 10-13yrs F 6:45pm–7:45pm Jan 18 4636648 Fleetwood Community Centre GUILDFORD 8 Sessions $59.60 9-12yrs W 6:30pm–7:30pm Jan 16 4633466 Guildford Recreation Centre Dance Ballet - Beginner For children with very little or no ballet training. You will learn about rhythm, poise, classical ballet steps and positions. Fleetwood 8 sessions $59.60 6-10yrs F 4:15pm–5:15pm Jan 18 4639234 Fleetwood Community Centre GUILDFORD 8 Sessions $59.60 6-12yrs Th 3:30pm-4:30pm Jan 17 4636666 Fraser Heights Recreation Centre GUILDFORD 8 Sessions $59.60 5-7yrs W 4:15pm–5:15pm Jan 16 4633445 Guildford Recreation Centre NEWTON 5 Sessions $37.25 6-12yrs Sa 1:30pm–2:30pm Jan 26 4629454 Newton Recreation Centre Textile Crafts Explore the many ways of creating crafts and art with textiles. Kids will learn some of the basic skills of knitting and weaving while also exploring some more unique ways of creating with textiles such as felting and fabric dying. We will create different projects every session so returning students can build their skills! SOUTH 4 Sessions $87 6-12yrs M 4pm–5:30pm Jan 7 4636258 South Surrey Recreation & Arts Centre S.T.E.A.M into Sewing Design and create fun projects while learning sewing and textile skills. Students will apply elements of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math (S.T.E.A.M.) to make their creations. They will learn to apply elements of design and engineering to their ideas, while building on their math and science knowledge in a creative environment. SOUTH 5 Sessions $135 6-12yrs M 4pm–6pm Feb 4 4636333 South Surrey Recreation & Arts Centre
Bhangra This introductory dance class will teach you the basic Bhangra steps, a popular, traditional Punjabi dance. GUILDFORD 5 Sessions $37.25 6-12yrs Su 11:45am–12:45pm Jan 13 4634981 Guildford Recreation Centre NEWTON 7 Sessions $52.15 6-12yrs W 5:15pm–6:15pm Jan 23 4629455 Newton Seniors Centre Breakdance It's back in style! Want to learn new moves? This breaking class is hot! Sign up now and be the coolest dancer in your school. FLEETWOOD 6 sessions $44.75 6-9yrs Su 1pm–2pm Jan 20 4639236 FLEETWOOD 6 sessions $44.75 10-13yrs Su 2pm–3pm Jan 20 4639237 Fleetwood Community Centre NEWTON 6 sessions $44.75 8-13yrs F 4pm–5pm Jan 25 4639284 Newton Recreation Centre WHALLEY 6 Sessions $44.75 6-9yrs W 3:30pm–4:30pm Jan 16 4635194 WHALLEY 6 Sessions $44.75 10-12yrs W 4:30pm–5:30pm Jan 16 4635195 Bridgeview Community Centre
Dance Sampler This lively sampler introduces students to the basics of a variety of dance moves and much more. CLOVERDALE 8 Sessions $59.60 5-7yrs W 4:15pm–5:15pm Jan 16 4632878 CLOVERDALE 8 Sessions $59.60 8-10yrs W 5:30pm–6:30pm Jan 16 4632880 Don Christian Recreation Centre GUILDFORD 8 Sessions $59.60 9-12yrs W 4:15pm–5:15pm Jan 16 4635732 Fraser Heights Recreation Centre NEWTON 6 Sessions $44.70 6-12yrs Su 12:30pm–1:30pm Jan 20 4629470 Newton Recreation Centre SOUTH 8 Sessions $59.60 6-8yrs Th 3:45pm–4:45pm Jan 17 4635161 SOUTH 8 Sessions $59.60 9-12yrs Th 4:45pm–5:45pm Jan 17 4635162 South Surrey Recreation & Arts Centre
LOOKING FOR NORTH SURREY? North Surrey is now identified as Whalley in keeping with the City's Official Community Plan. See pages 8, 9.
OPERATED BY SEMIAHMOO ARTS Suzuki Violin Preparatory Class
Self-Portrait of the Young Artist
Construct Yourself! Mask-Making for Kids Construct your imaginary self and make your own mask. Kids will be encouraged to explore their inner persona to construct a mask using a variety of materials and techniques. Then they can let their imaginations run wild and star in their own story through theatrical scenes. Art and acting fun! SOUTH 5 Sessions $60 4-6yrs W 3:30pm–4:30pm Feb 13 4636349 South Surrey Recreation & Arts Centre Pottery for Kids Discover the magic of creating with clay in this introduction to pottery. Kids will learn different ceramic techniques in the Semiahmoo Pottery Studio while making a variety of fun and functional hand sculpted objects. Different projects every session! Semiahmoo Arts instructors are practicing artists and experienced art educators. SOUTH 8 Sessions $96 5-7yrs Th 3:30pm–4:30pm Jan 10 4636215 SOUTH 8 Sessions $144 8-12yrs Th 5pm–6:30pm Jan 10 4636216 South Surrey Recreation & Arts Centre
Every child can learn to play the violin and this Suzuki prep class prepares children for success through developing rhythm, singing, and learning to hold their instruments. Parents attend the classes along with their children, as parental participation is a core concept of the Suzuki method. No instruments are needed for the class. SOUTH 10 Sessions $115 6-8yrs F 3:30pm–4:30pm Jan 11 4636245 South Surrey Recreation & Arts Centre Art and Literacy Work on early literary skills such as print, phonological awareness, and comprehension skills while having fun making art! Each week children will be introduced to a new story book and then create a related art project using various 4-6yrs Tu 3:30pm–4:30pm Jan 8 4636249 South Surrey Recreation & Arts Centre art materials and techniques. SOUTH 4 Sessions $80
More than a selfie! The self-portrait reaches into our personality, revealing what lies within. Young people are invited to get to know themselves through art. With access to a wide spectrum of artistic techniques and materials, the young artist will explore the art of SELF! SOUTH 5 Sessions $90 6-12yrs W 5pm–6:30pm Feb 13 4636360 South Surrey Recreation & Arts Centre Winter Wonderland Art Have fun making winter-themed art and crafts in this engaging, energetic class. Young artists will be encouraged to let their creative spark shine while making 2-D and 3-D art all about the best things about winter! SOUTH 5 Sessions $60 4-6yrs W 3:30pm–4:30pm Jan 9 4636348 South Surrey Recreation & Arts Centre
Story Writing & Book Making
Book making from cover to cover, using varied art techniques and materials, students will learn to make their own books, illustrating and writing their own stories. Young authors and artists, let's go on a personal journey to creativity! SOUTH 5 Sessions $90 6-12yrs W 5pm–6:30pm Jan 9 4636363 South Surrey Recreation & Arts Centre
76 WINTER 2019 SURREY.CA/RECREATION 604-501-5100
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