Winter 2019 Recreation Guide
Adults & 55+
Music Guitar - Beginner Learn the basics of guitar playing including chords and finger placement. Bring your guitar. CLOVERDALE 9 Sessions $53.10 19yrs+ Tu 6:30pm–7:30pm Jan 8 4628125 Cloverdale Recreation Centre NEWTON 9 Sessions $53.10 19yrs+ Tu 5:45pm–6:45pm Jan 8 4627782 Newton Recreation Centre Guitar - Intermediate Build on basic guitar skills with further chord development and tablature. Bring your guitar. CLOVERDALE 9 Sessions $53.10 19yrs+ Tu 7:30pm–8:30pm Jan 8 4628126 Cloverdale Recreation Centre NEWTON 9 Sessions $53.10 19yrs+ Tu 7pm–8pm Jan 8 4628001 Newton Recreation Centre Guitar - Advanced This course if for those that have taken Level 2 or have more advanced level guitar experience. CLOVERDALE 9 Sessions $106.20 19yrs+ W 12pm–2pm Jan 9 4628124 CLOVERDALE 9 Sessions $53.10 19yrs+ Tu 8:30pm–9:30pm Jan 8 4628123 Cloverdale Recreation Centre NEWTON 9 Sessions $53.10 19yrs+ Tu 8:15pm–9:15pm Jan 8 4628005 Newton Recreation Centre Singing For All - Beginner Learn about voice warm-ups, melody, harmony and rhythm while enjoying singing. FLEETWOOD 6 Sessions $70.80 19yrs+ M 7pm–9pm Jan 7 4629575 W 7pm–9pm Jan 9 4629574 Fleetwood Community Centre Love to Sing Treat yourself to a professional singing class with recording artist Rhayne. Learn the secrets of singing through the “Rhayne Method,” that teaches professional singing warm-ups and safe vocal techniques that develop your voice to its best. Enjoy singing songs from pop, R&B, jazz, blues, classics, musical theatre, and others, taught in a fun, friendly, and inspiring class setting. Everyone is welcome! Love to Sing - Try It! WHALLEY 1 Session Free 19yrs+ W 2pm–4pm Jan 16 4635830 Surrey Arts Centre Love to Sing - Level 1 WHALLEY 8 Sessions $80 19yrs+ W 2pm–4pm Jan 23 4635831 Surrey Arts Centre
Drawing for Absolute Beginners Drawing does not always have to be just pencil and paper. Explore a range of drawing techniques which will open your eyes to the world of possibilities. Discover how you can use both traditional and unexpected materials to create amazing drawings. Surrey Arts Centre instructors are experienced art educators and practicing artists. WHALLEY 8 Sessions $92.80 16yrs+ Th 7pm–9pm Jan 24 4634586 Surrey Arts Centre Oil Painting with Water Based Oils Do you want to paint in oils but don't like the messy clean up - this is the class for you. We use water-based oils with a fast drying medium that still have all the vibrant colours. One-on-one instruction. CLOVERDALE 8 Sessions $94.40 19yrs+ F 12:30pm–2:30pm Jan 11 4628131 Cloverdale Recreation Centre Painting with Acrylics Explore the properties, techniques and applications of acrylic paint in a variety of genres, from landscapes to portraits. Plan to discover or rediscover the endless joy of creativity. GUILDFORD 4 Sessions Member $35.40 Non-member $47.20 55yrs+ Tu 1pm–3pm Jan 15 4636688 Tu 1pm–3pm Feb 12 4636689 Guildford Recreation Centre WHALLEY 6 Sessions $70.75 19yrs+ Sa 5:30pm–7:30pm Jan 19 4634666 WHALLEY 5 Sessions $58.95 19yrs+ Sa 5:30pm–7:30pm Mar 2 4634667 Bridgeview Community Centre WHALLEY 7 Sessions $82.55 19yrs+ M 6pm–8pm Jan 14 4635398 Chuck Bailey Recreation Centre WHALLEY 4 Sessions Member $35.40 Non-member $47.20 55yrs+ W 11am–1pm Jan 9 4635528 W 11am–1pm Feb 6 4635529 W 11am–1pm Mar 6 4635531 Chuck Bailey Recreation Centre Explore the properties, techniques and applications of water-based paint and learn about dimension, pigments, glazing, soft edges and wet on wet. CLOVERDALE 8 Sessions $94.40 19yrs+ Th 9:30am–11:30am Jan 10 4628132 Cloverdale Recreation Centre Watercolour: Expressions in Transparency Explore the spontaneous medium of watercolour with its properties of transparency and luminosity. The course will cover various subject matter such as landscape, still life, and figurative work. Surrey Art Gallery instructors are experienced art educators and practicing artists. WHALLEY 6 Sessions $84 16yrs+ Tu 7pm–9pm Jan 22 4635632 Surrey Arts Centre Painting with Watercolours
Palette Knife Painting Enjoy this relaxing and rapid method of painting using oil paints. Create an impressionistic artwork with bold strokes and an exciting, modern look. Great for beginners. WHALLEY 8 Sessions $92.80 16yrs+ Tu 7pm–9pm Jan 22 4634611 Surrey Arts Centre Pottery for Beginners This course focuses on the fundamentals of the potter's wheel and hand building for absolute and returning beginners. Clay can be used in different ways to create intriguing objects; learn techniques to express your creativity in a relaxed and friendly environment. Clay and tools not included in class price. You can buy clay and a starter tool kit on-site before your class. Surrey Art Gallery instructors are experienced art educators and practicing artists. WHALLEY 8 Sessions $175 16yrs+ Tu 7pm–9:30pm Jan 22 4634552 Th 1:30pm–4pm Jan 24 4634553 Th 7pm–9:30pm Jan 24 4634554 Surrey Arts Centre Continuing Pottery Practice and refine your wheel throwing and handbuilding techniques to create functional and decorative ceramic pieces. Develop your surface decorating skills using slip and glaze, as well as by adding and removing clay. Clay and tools not included in class price. You can buy clay and a starter tool kit on-site before your class. Surrey Art Gallery instructors are practicing artists and experienced art educators. WHALLEY 8 Sessions $175 16yrs+ W 7pm–9:30pm Jan 23 4634551 Surrey Arts Centre Pottery Play Day Come in and play with clay! Bring your husband, girlfriend, or tween and unwind with mud after a long week. All levels welcome, as well as younger registrants -- a more flexible pottery option. Clay and tools not included in class price. You can buy clay and a starter tool kit on-site before your class. Surrey Art Gallery instructors are practicing artists and experienced at educators. WHALLEY 7 Sessions $122.50 10yrs+ Sa 2:30pm–4:30pm Jan 26 4634584 Surrey Arts Centre Registered Open Studio Plus Half tailored instruction, half non- instructional time -- ideal for students with pottery experience! With an experienced instructor providing personalized instruction for the first half of the class, you can pursue wheel or hand building projects on your own for the rest of the time in this individually- paced studio setting. Clay and tools not included in class price. You can buy clay and a starter tool kit on-site before your class. WHALLEY 7 Sessions $211 16yrs+ Sa 10am–2pm Jan 26 4634583 Surrey Arts Centre
Love to Sing Vocal Group – Level 2 Learn more advanced vocal styles and techniques from recording artist Rhayne, as we sing songs from pop, jazz, blues, R&B, classics, musical theatre, and other genres. You will have opportunities to perform for the community with this friendly and welcoming group. Join us! Must have completed Level 1 or have equivalent training, with instructor's permission by leaving message at 604- 592-6984. (*All previous level 2 students are welcome to join this class.) WHALLEY 8 Sessions $80 19yrs+ Th 2pm–4pm Jan 24 4635832 Surrey Arts Centre Theatre Artist Masterclass Series - Spoken Word & SLAM Poetry In this day long spoken word workshop, participants will work from the ground up to deliver a completed work of SLAM poetry. Participants will tackle questions of structure, tone, language, figures of speech, ending with each of them performing their own poem. Open to anyone interested in learning about storytelling, SLAM, spoken word, and performance poetry -- from beginners 16yrs+ Sa 10am–4pm Feb 2 4636613 Surrey Arts Centre Adults Acting Out Led by theatre professionals, Adults Acting Out offers tailored instruction in the fundamentals of acting for the stage for absolute beginners all the way to experienced actors! Fun while also challenging, this class will refine your acting techniques as well as develop skills that are incredibly useful in your everyday life; from work place presentations, to confidence building and more! Build you skillset through games, exercises, monologues and scene work with the possibility for future performances for those interested! WHALLEY 8 Sessions $160 19yrs+ W 6:30pm–8:30pm Jan 23 4636605 Surrey Arts Centre Musical Theatre Level 2 Put a song and dance together and enjoy the musical theatre experience. You will do a production number from one of the big musicals. Prior dance experience is required WHALLEY 12 Sessions Member $53.40 Non-member $70.80 55yrs+ F 11:30am–12:30pm Jan 11 4635526 Chuck Bailey Recreation Centre through to more experienced! WHALLEY 1 Session $170
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