DayCamps Themed Camps
Fun with 3D Camp Participants will make their own
2D Video Game Design BYTE Camp Learn how to build a 2D game from the ground up using Godot, an awesome free platform for coding and launching games (think Python, but way more fun!)This is a coding camp, so be prepared to challenge yourself and learn some new skills.Time will be spent learning how to create advanced 2D vector artwork and animated character sprites to make your game look great. Some coding experience or Byte Camp’s Intro to Coding is recommended as a prerequisite. CLOVERDALE 5 Sessions $420 11–14yrs M–F 9am–3pm Aug 19 00384604 Cloverdale Recreation Centre SOUTH 5 Sessions $420 11–14yrs M–F 9am–3pm Jul 29 00384454 Sanford Hall WHALLEY 4 Sessions $365 11–14yrs Tu–F* 9am–3pm Jul 2 00384619 Surrey Arts Centre Dreaming of a career with PIXAR? Ever wonder how those awesome 3D animated movies like Shrek,Toy Story and Frozen are made? Spend the week learning how by modeling, animating and telling your own stories in 3D. You’ll use Blender, a wonderful (& free!) 3D software, to design characters that jump off the screen and then make them come alive by adding voices, soundtracks and completing a groupmade short film. GUILDFORD 5 Sessions $420 11–14yrs M–F 9am–3pm Aug 26 00384421 Fraser Heights Recreation Centre SOUTH 4 Sessions $336 11–14yrs Tu–F* 9am–3pm Jul 2 00384615 Sanford Hall 3D Video Game Design BYTE Camp Create your own 3D Video Game! Invent your own digital world levels, adventures and quests using Godot, a great (& free) 3D Game Maker. Learn the most important 3D game design skills in the early part of the week and then use those new skills to create your own game by the end of the week!The final project is a game you can access and play online. Byte Camp’s 3D Animation course is a prerequisite. SOUTH 5 Sessions $420 11–14yrs M–F 9am–3pm Jul 22 00384449 Sanford Hall Artsy Engineers Participants combine engineering and art to create takehome projects. Fun quizzes, science simulations and handson project building are 3D Animation BYTE Camp
Build an App BYTE Camp
Budding Engineers Participants build takehome STEM projects while learning about science and engineering concepts. Each day will be an exploration of a new STEM concept with interactive demonstrations, team activities, and fun polls. CLOVERDALE 5 Sessions $235 7–12yrs M–F 9am–12pm Aug 12 00383334 Clayton Community Centre GUILDFORD 5 Sessions $235 7–12yrs M–F 9am–12pm Jul 22 00382349 Fraser Heights Recreation Centre FLEETWOOD 5 Sessions $235 7–12yrs M–F 9am–12pm Jul 8 00384485 William Watson Elementary School Invention, Innovation, and Creativity! Fun activities and projects to learn about young inventors in Canada. This camp relates to our new exhibit “Creative Minds.” CLOVERDALE 4 Sessions $220.20 9–12yrs Tu–F 9:30am–3:30pm Jul 16 00379629 Tu–F 9:30am–3:30pm Jul 30 00379631 Museum of Surrey Science Drop your child off to explore their interest in science. Children discover fascinating subjects, cool experiments and more. CLOVERDALE 5 Sessions $98.50 3–5yrs M–F 12:30pm–2:30pm Jul 8 00383295 M–F 12:30pm–2:30pm Jul 22 00383301 M–F 12:30pm–2:30pm Aug 12 00383303 M–F 12:30pm–2:30pm Aug 19 00383306 CLOVERDALE 5 Sessions $142.25 6–9yrs M–F 8:45am–11:45am Jul 8 00383507 M–F 8:45am–11:45am Jul 22 00383663 M–F 8:45am–11:45am Aug 19 00383659 Cloverdale Recreation Centre NEWTON 5 Sessions $142.25 6–12yrs M–F 9am–12pm Jul 8 00383957 M–F 12:30pm–3:30pm Jul 8 00382783 M–F 9am–12pm Jul 22 00383958 M–F 12:30pm–3:30pm Jul 22 00382786 M–F 9am–12pm Aug 12 00383959 M–F 12:30pm–3:30pm Aug 12 00382787 Newton Recreation Centre Creative Minds
projects using a 3D Printer. They will also do 3D design withTinkerCAD, an app that introduces them to Computer Aided Design. No prior experience required. Participants do not need a printer. CLOVERDALE 5 Sessions $235 8–13yrs M–F 9am–12pm Jul 15 00383332 Clayton Community Centre GUILDFORD 5 Sessions $235 8–13yrs M–F 9am–12pm Jul 29 00382357 Fraser Heights Recreation Centre FLEETWOOD 5 Sessions $235 8–13yrs M–F 9am–12pm Aug 19 00384531 William Watson Elementary School Introduction to Coding BYTE Camp Discover how much fun it is to build your own game! Students will be introduced to basic coding skills with Scratch and get to use those skills to make their very own games. Students will learn how to create their own 2D vector artwork to make characters and levels that are entirely their own. The final project is a game that you can access and play or proudly share with friends online. CLOVERDALE 5 Sessions $420 9–12yrs M–F 9am–3pm Jul 8 00384602
Learn how to design, code, test and deploy your very own app! Use the gyroscope, tapping, and dragging or anything else you can think of to build your app from scratch. Be prepared to challenge yourself and learn some new skills! Each day a new project is introduced and students are taken through the steps of understanding and working with these new code ideas. Students will get to work on their own project ideas on the final two days. Byte Camp’s 2D Video Game Design is recommended as a prerequisite SOUTH 5 Sessions $420 11–14yrs M–F 9am–3pm Jul 8 00384614 Sanford Hall WHALLEY 4 Sessions $365 11–14yrs Tu–F* 9am–3pm Aug 6 00384627 Surrey Arts Centre Claymation Movie Production BYTE Camp Make your own clay characters come to life, just like Shaun the Sheep! Participants will work to build their own clay characters, sets and props; develop their own script; shoot their movie scenes; and then learn to edit and add sounds and special effects to complete the whole project. Don’t worry parents, there will be plenty of time devoted to outdoor games and activities! SOUTH 5 Sessions $420 9–12yrs M–F 9am–3pm Jul 15 00384445 Sanford Hall WHALLEY 5 Sessions $420 9–12yrs M–F 9am–3pm Aug 26 00384633 Surrey Arts Centre Music & Video Production BYTE Camp Make your own music and music video! Camp time will be split between digital music composition, video filming and editing. Use amazing software tools to craft your very own song from scratch. We will show you the basics of beats, baselines, chords, and melodies so that your song will sound awesome. Experiment with video, special effects, and TikTok style editing techniques to make your own video as cool as your tune. SOUTH 5 Sessions $420 9–12yrs M–F 9am–3pm Aug 12 00384457 Sanford Hall robot that uses sensors to guide itself through obstructions! Kids will learn basics of robotics including motors, controllers, sensors, and algorithms. No previous experience with robotics or coding is required. CLOVERDALE 5 Sessions $285 8–13yrs M–F 1pm–4pm Jul 15 00383333 Clayton Community Centre GUILDFORD 5 Sessions $285 8–13yrs M–F 1pm–4pm Jul 29 00382358 Fraser Heights Recreation Centre FLEETWOOD 5 Sessions $285 8–13yrs M–F 1pm–4pm Aug 19 00384537 William Watson Elementary School Robo Engineers Participants will build and code a
Cloverdale Recreation Centre GUILDFORD 5 Sessions $420
M–F 9am–3pm
Jul 15 00384418
Fraser Heights Recreation Centre SOUTH 5 Sessions $420
M–F 9am–3pm
Aug 19 00384465
Sanford Hall
Introduction to Coding Level 2 BYTE Camp
Build on your coding and art skills and learn advanced character movement and level design to make unique game play. The final project is a game that you can take home on USB or share with friends online. Previous coding experience in Scratch or Byte Camp’s Intro to Coding is recommended. WHALLEY 5 Sessions $420 9–12yrs M–F 9am–3pm Aug 19 00384632 Surrey Arts Centre
5 Sessions $98.50
M–F 2:30pm–4:30pm M–F 2:30pm–4:30pm
Jul 29 00386510 Aug 5 00386509
Chuck Bailey Recreation Centre
2D Tablet Animation BYTE Camp
5 Sessions $98.50
M–F 12pm–2pm
Aug 12 00386388
North Surrey Sport & Ice Complex
Turn your drawing skills into animations as wild as your
imagination. Learn to storyboard and use advanced animation skills to make characters come alive on the screen. Principles like Squash & Stretch, Anticipation, and Exaggeration will be introduced. Students will produce their own animated short film by the end of the week. CLOVERDALE 5 Sessions $420 9–12yrs M–F 9am–3pm Jul 22 00384603
Chess Sign your child up to for chess lessons. Kids practice their concentration and critical thinking skills while learning the game pieces, general rules and goals of this popular twoperson strategy game. GUILDFORD 4 Sessions $53 6–12yrs
incorporated into each class. CLOVERDALE 5 Sessions $235
M–F 1pm–4pm
Aug 12 00383336
Clayton Community Centre GUILDFORD 5 Sessions $235
Tu–F* 9am–11am Tu–F* 9am–11am
Jul 2
Cloverdale Recreation Centre GUILDFORD 4 Sessions $365
Aug 6 00384618
9–12yrs 00384416
GUILDFORD 4 Sessions $53 Tu–F* 11:15am–1:15pm Jul 2 00384690 Tu–F* 11:15am–1:15pm Aug 6 00384691 Fraser Heights Recreation Centre 13–18yrs
M–F 1pm–4pm
Jul 22 00382356
Tu–F* 9am–3pm
Jul 2
Fraser Heights Recreation Centre FLEETWOOD 5 Sessions $235
Fraser Heights Recreation Centre WHALLEY 5 Sessions $420
7–12yrs 00384486
M–F 1pm–4pm
Jul 8
M–F 9am–3pm
Jul 15 00384620
William Watson Elementary School
Surrey Arts Centre
7 604-501-5100 SURREY.CA/DAYCAMPS SUMMER Day Camps GUIDE 2024
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