ECONOMIC To maintain operations based fleet capacity, engines with tenure at or beyond useful life, were replaced with several engines providing economic, social and environmental benefits: 4 Administration vehicles; 2 Inspection vehicles; 2 Engines; and 1 Technical Rescue vehicle. Successfully retained a long standing dispatch client contract and renewed for an additional 5 year term; ENVIRONMENTAL Electrical Fire Safety Initiative Team’s ongoing contributions to improved environmental conditions included 32 inspections, 13 illegal grow operations detected, and 28 repair notices issued; Electrical Fire Safety Initiative Team mandate expanded to include an inspection role with the Bylaws and Fire Prevention, regarding problem properties; SOCIO - CULTURAL The Administrative Development Program (ADP) enrolled six staff for development for future exempt positions. A combination of work experience with educational opportunities and work projects were provided to all staff. Two vacant exempt positions were filled by hiring two staff who coincidentally were in the Administration Development Program;
Continued to minimize absenteeism related costs through an Attendance Management Program that resulted in achieving a 63% perfect attendance; and Published 23 research articles and/or papers illustrating the evidence-based
decision-making used for strategic planning and emergency services activity.
Increased employee engagement in composting and energy saving initiatives; Continued to increase energy efficiency of administration office through introduction of energy efficient appliances; and Implemented reporting to enable monthly reviews and reconciliations of fuel consumption. Training for HOPE-4 health screening research project was completed in 2015; Performance metrics software has provided employees with regular feedback, resulting in improvements in all areas of measured performance; Kept pace with the Recovery House inspection program across the City including the regular re-inspection process;
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