

 HomeSafe program resources were successfully redeployed to focus on targeted Community Safety Initiatives reaching 29,000 residents:  Installed 973 smoke alarms, and conducted 839 HomeSafe Inspections including the Smoke Alarm initiative inspections;  Participated in 7 forums for seniors;  Promoted a smoke alarm awareness campaign directed to 10,239 homeowners who visited City Hall during the annual property tax season;  Conducted an outreach initiative

 Developed a plan to restructure the fire inspection process to move from prescriptive inspections to risk-based inspections;  Delivered 44 Surrey Neighbourhood Emergency Preparedness presentations to 2,090 attendees. In addition, staffed 7 emergency preparedness booths at various fairs, resulting in exposure to 6,500 additional individuals; and  Coordinated 14 Level 1 emergency support services responses with 38 displaced residents; and 1 Level 2 emergency support services response with 226 displaced residents.

to 1,909 households of patrons at Surrey Food Bank providing opportunities to educate the at risk members of the community on the importance of a working smoke alarm; and

 Delivered educational safety

information to approximately 15,000 properties identified as either high risk population or as statistically likely to incur an increase in rate of fire.  Community outreach at 81 separate events – engaged and provided fire safety information to 7,962 individuals, including 943 seniors;  Held a Fire Prevention Week in

Partnership with Home Depot at two different locations with information on preventing and responding to fires,

maintaining smoke alarms and developing home escape plans;

Presentation of the BC Smoke Alarm Movement: Outcomes for Surrey – From 2006 to 2015 Surrey has seen a 53.5% decrease in the casualty rate per 10,000 residents



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