Roads &Traffic Safety
SOCIO-CULTURAL Completed a review of tandem parking in townhouse developments and amended the parking bylaw; Constructed 2.5 km of multi-use pathways including Barnston Drive, Surrey Lake and Scott Road Greenways; Completed the update to the City’s Street naming Policy to improve the public’s ability to navigate through the City; Completed the update to the Highway and Traffic By-Law which regulates the safe and efficient operation and control of the City’s transportation systems; Implemented pilot traffic safety improvement measures in Newton consistent with the direction of the Safe Mobility Plan to be released in Spring 2016; ECONOMIC Complete Real Time traffic volume monitoring for all traffic signals; Construct $36 Million in transportation improvements, including road widening and rehabilitation, traffic calming and safety measures, cycling and pedestrian mobility improvements; Complete construction of the 148 Street widening, from 65 Avenue to 72 Avenue, including Operations Centre frontage works and improvements fronting TE Scott Elementary;
Initiated work toward a multi-agency partnership to complete design and costing work to identify a preferred corridor for relocation of the BNSF rail line in South Surrey/White Rock to an interior route; Developed a plan for expansion of datasets and enhanced visualizations for the City’s Open Data Program; Launched new Cosmos layers including future planned road re- alignments to provide certainty for the development community and citizens; and Enhanced citizen service request experience with improvements in messaging, service delivery targets, business process efficiencies, and other feedback mechanisms.
Complete construction of the $8 Million 160 Street widening, from 96 Avenue to 104 Avenue; Commence construction of 80 Avenue widening, from 128 Street to 132 Street; Achieve regional agreement for early delivery of a new Pattullo Bridge; and Continue to assess and identify additional transportation funding sources.
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