Roads &Traffic Safety
ENVIRONMENTAL Obtain funding commitments from other levels of government to enable early delivery of the 27 km LRT network for Surrey; Complete strategy to enable conversion of all City street lights to LED by 2020; Assess all planned LRT stations to identify improvements for pedestrian and cyclist access; Continue implementation of Safe and Active Schools Program and expansion of School Travel Planning Program; Initiate partnership and study for relocation of the BNSF rail line; SOCIO-CULTURAL Launch the Safe Mobility Plan to improve safety, including the Data Driven Approach to Crime and Traffic Safety (DDACTS) Program to reduce collisions and crime; Implement Transportation Safety Pilot - Engineering Measures & DDACTS in Newton Town Centre; Through TMC implement real-time
Integrate 3-Year Paving Program into COSMOS and liaise with third-party Utility Agencies Capital Programs to properly manage paving assets; Complete detailed design of 100 Avenue widening, from 140 Street to 148 Street, such that construction can commence in 2017 and be completed in advance of LRT works commencing; and Publish updated Pavement Cut Policy for implementation on Capital Projects, Land Development and third- party Utility agencies.
Enhance emergency response - power backup (UPS) for 88 new signals & extend backup to 12 hours for all; Seek Senior Government funding to enable initiation of rail crossing safety improvements program; and Complete detailed design of the 70 Avenue extension, from King George to 137B Street, to improve mobility in Newton Town Centre.
signal timing changes to improve traffic flow for all events/incidents;
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