City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan


Departments were requested to identify any critical needs over and above their status quo requirements and to re-evaluate requirements that had been submitted during the previous year’s planning cycle. Significant funding requests have been included in this section. Items identified during the 2024 planning process and approved by Council include the following:

2024 Public Safety Funding Requirements:


New officers, 26 positions



New Operational Communications Centre staff, five positions

570,000 310,000

New administrative support staff, four positions

Change in one-time severance and wind down costs of SPS


All other status quo changes, Policing


Total Policing Funding


Fire Services Labour increases (IAFF contract increase)


8,400,000 3,480,000 1,420,000

New Fire personnel, 20 positions

All other status quo changes, Fire Services

Total Fire Funding


Bylaw ServicesNew officers, 10 positions



All other status quo changes, Bylaws Services


Total Bylaw Funding


Total New Public Safety Funding Requirements

$ (64,270,000)

2024 Other Corporate Funding Requirements: Change in Contribution to Capital

$ 30,610,000

Housing Accelerator Fund Grant Allocations (Year 2 of 4) Increase in debt servicing costs (Newton Community Centre)

23,910,000 18,800,000 14,380,000 4,800,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 20,860,000

Labour adjustments, excluding Public Safety

New resources & operating costs, excluding Public Safety

SCDC Operating Costs

Safe Program Focus Newton

All other status quo changes and transfers, Other Corporate

Total New Corporate Funding Requirements

$ 117,360,000

Total New Public Safety & Corporate Funding Required for 2024

$ 53,090,000

In addition to the increases approved in 2024, the following are a few significant increases, not related to inflation or growth, for the four-year period of 2025 to 2028:

Operating costs related to new Parks, Recreation and Culture facilities in 2025


1,264,000 1,920,000 1,380,000 1,245,000

Operating costs related to new Parks, Recreation and Culture and Fire Services facilities in 2026 Operating costs related to new Parks, Recreation and Culture and Fire Services facilities in 2027 Operating costs related to new Parks, Recreation and Culture and Fire Services facilities in 2028

Total (2025-2028)

$ 5,809,000

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | Executive Overview


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