City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan



through the delivery of the annual Five Year Financial Plan. The Climate Change Action Strategy (“CCAS”) has been approved in 2023 year and will also provide strategic direction for the City, and aligns with both the Charter and Surrey Excels. The CCAS will be integrated in the City’s Strategic planning framework, including the Financial Plan. Surrey Excels Tier 1 Map is being refreshed in 2024 and will encompass the following: 1. A Vibrant Downtown 2. Liveable, Equitable, Connected Neighbourhoods 3. Housing for All 4. Exceptional Public Safety

The City of Surrey has two key corporate high-level strategic frameworks: • Sustainability Charter 2.0 (primarily outward or community-focused); and • Surrey Excels (primarily inward- focused). The vision, goals, and desired outcomes presented in the Sustainability Charter 2.0 articulate what we want to see for our whole community, looking ahead over the next 40 years, toward the vision of A Thriving, Green, Inclusive City. Surrey Excels aligns strongly with the Sustainability Charter 2.0. Surrey Excels sets out the City’s internal organizational priorities, measures, and initiatives. Surrey Excels is organized into a tier structure, with the Tier 1 Strategic Map at the overall city-wide or corporate level, and a set of Tier 2 Strategic Maps prepared by each department. Each level reflects the organization’s priorities, including associated key measures and annual strategic initiatives; those at the Tier 2 level link to the corporate Tier 1 level. Surrey Excels is intended as an inward- facing strategic framework. Each of the strategic initiatives and measures identified in Surrey Excels fits into one or more of the eight themes of the Sustainability Charter 2.0. For the 2024-2028 Financial Plan, a set of corporate and departmental strategic initiatives and key measures, some of which are drawn from Surrey Excels Strategy Maps, have been organized according to the eight themes of the Sustainability Charter 2.0. These provide a snapshot of the strategic direction and priorities of the City, which are facilitated

5. Service Excellence 6. Employer of Choice

Each of the six organizational priorities will have clear measures to indicate the City’s progress in each area, as well as a list of key strategic initiatives related to each priority.

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | Executive Overview


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