City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan




• Fostered staff awareness and education of the diversity of Surrey and strengthened our inclusiveness through a variety of initiatives and events. In total, 34 key cultural events and important awareness days were recognized in 2023; • Showcased the diversity of staff through storytelling campaigns that highlighted our diverse team and promoted women in Engineering; • Launched a recruitment campaign to attract diverse applicants for Surrey Fire Service; Implemented cyber security technologies that have improved the overall security resilience of the City. Cybersecurity training for staff continues to raise awareness of the daily risks of related attacks on our systems and information; • Reviewed and evaluated best practice methodology in physical and operational security to ensure City facilities are provided with current, effective security systems and programs; • Street SMART program deployment which resulted in better management of issues related to homelessness; PUBLIC SAFETY •

• Enhanced the City’s outreach efforts to continue attracting a diverse workforce; • Added pay ranges to all City job postings; • Updated HR policies and practices to include gender neutral language; and • The City launched a Digital Technology Hub, a free online platform that offers resources to help older adults navigate the digital world

and make it easier to connect to services, programs, and people.

• Creation of a Bylaw bike patrol working in conjunction with the police to increase visibility in high demand areas; and • Fireworks interdiction program which oversaw the seizure of over $365,000 of illegal fireworks.

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | General Operating Fund | Corporate Services


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