City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan



Awarded five national and one provincial award which positioned the City as a safe, desirable and engaging workplace:  Canada’s Most Admired Corporate Cultures  WorkSafeBC Certificate of Recognition (“COR”)  Excellence Awardee of the Canada's Safest Employers Award 2023  Excellence Awardee of the Canada’s Safest Employer for Young Workers Award 2023  Canada’s Top Employers for Young People  Canada’s Greenest Employers


• Corporate Records securely shredded and recycled 65 metric tonnes of paper, with the following environmental benefits; 1,710 trees preserved, 447 trash bags avoided from the land fill, 2,708 bathtubs of water preserved, enough electricity to power 857 residential refrigerators saved and the equivalent of 76 gas powered cars removed from the road this year;

• The City’s printers’ “Avoidance and Energy Savings” features reduced paper consumption by 1.45 million sheets, equating to 27 metric tonnes of CO2 emissions avoided, 174 trees saved, and $35,000 in costs avoided; and • The SARC took in 1,300 animals in 2023. SARC reunited 345 animals with their owners and assisted in finding new homes for 400 animals.

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | General Operating Fund | Corporate Services


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