City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan


CORPORATE SUSTAINABILITY • Developed and implemented the Love Where You Work Program to ensure that our workplace is the best that it can be for all staff; • Supported Surrey Fire Service in collective bargaining ensuring ongoing labour stability; transactions, driven by a substantial rise in demand for City services. These online platforms consistently provide convenience, along with significant time and cost savings in travel for our citizens; and • Citizens continue to embrace our online services, with 69% of eligible transactions conducted online. In 2023, there was a 30% surge in online

• Citizens signed up for MySurrey Accounts, with 48,062 new users in 2023 (30% increase from 2022) for a total of 190,503 current accounts, indicating continued steady growth as

the City experiences increased demand for online services.

Promoted the expansion of a Continuous Improvement culture within the organization to identify opportunities, with 114 process

improvements completed in 2023 and many more underway across the City; and • Improvements made to the Council Procedure Bylaw included alternative notice provisions and hybrid special meetings.


• Undertook enforcement through the Illegal Construction Enforcement Team and followed up with subsequent prosecution throughout the city (10 court injunctions); • Increased parking enforcement in high volume vehicular areas;

Targeted enforcement towards unsightly properties throughout the City;

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | General Operating Fund | Corporate Services


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