City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan


MISSION STATEMENT To provide timely, effective and efficient services relating to Water, Sewer, Drainage, District Energy, Solid Waste, Transportation, Project Delivery, Land Development and Corporate Real Estate. KEY PROGRAMS AND SERVICES The Engineering Department provides City services relating to Transportation, Solid Waste, Water, Sewer, Drainage, District Energy, Land Development and the Management of Real Estate Assets. The department includes the Land Development, Project Delivery, Realty Services, Operations, Utilities, and Transportation divisions. For the purpose of the Financial Plan, the accomplishments and goals in this section are those that relate to the divisions/sections that fall under the General Operating Fund: Land Development, Project Delivery, Realty Services, Survey, Geographic Information Systems (“GIS”) and Operations. The performance measures for Water, Sewer, Drainage, Transportation, Parking, Solid Waste and Surrey City Energy are reported in their respective sections of the Financial Plan as they are self-funded utilities.



Operations maintains the City’s engineering infrastructure including roads, drainage, sewer and water operations. This division also carries out the City’s residential waste collection services as well as manages and maintains the City’s fleet of vehicles and Engineering business enhancement initiatives.

Land Development includes the Development Services section which prescribes the municipal infrastructure required to service land and building development. The Inspection Services section ensures that the aforementioned infrastructure meets Council-adopted standards and requirements while the Client Services section provides administrative support related to Engineering permits for construction in City road allowances.

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | General Operating Fund | Engineering


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