City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan


REALTY SERVICES Realty Services manages the acquisitions, dispositions, and development of the City’s real estate portfolio. The Land Acquisition Section is responsible for the timely acquisition of land and rights-of way for capital projects, park purposes and civic use. The Realty Asset Management Section manages the City’s real estate inventory including leasing and property sales.


The Project Delivery division is responsible for delivering the City’s Infrastructure Capital Program for Roads, Water, Sewer, Drainage, and District Energy. This includes developing designs, construction tenders, and construction services. The team provides survey services to all City departments with a primary focus on legal services to support Engineering and Parks Recreation & Culture.



• Entered into an amended partnering agreement with Peninsula Estates Housing Society to facilitate the development of a 91-unit affordable rental apartment building in South Surrey;

• GIS supported the development of the story map for the Dignity Project; and

• Entered into a partnering and lease agreement with the Provincial Rental Housing Corporation for the development and operation of a 57 unit long-term supportive housing facility in City Centre.


• Engineering cleared 7,591 catch basins to alleviate possible flooding issues.

Engineering filled a total of 34,025 potholes; and


• Acquired land in the Fleetwood area to house a future Station House that will include a pedestrian bridge connecting to the future 152 Street and Fraser Highway SkyTrain Station;

Secured land in Port Kells for the future expansion of the Surrey Bio-Fuel facility;

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | General Operating Fund | Engineering


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