City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan



• Secured land in City Centre to facilitate the future relocation of the City Centre bus exchange; • In conjunction with the Province, completed procurement of Surrey Langley SkyTrain early works along Fraser Highway that included road widening and the addition of active transportation infrastructure; • Implemented a new digital software tool that can be used in the field by our contractor to account for drainage basin cleaning and maintenance work on 20,000+ drains annually; • Received Council approval to enter into a License Agreement with Novus Entertainment Inc. and Beanfield Technologies Inc. to install, operate, and maintain telecommunication infrastructure within road allowances to increase broadband access and connectivity across the City, while also ensuring residents, businesses and the general public have access to some of the most modern connectivity infrastructure; • Added a cost estimation module to Engineering’s capital project tracking system and migrated it to a more robust relational database management system;

• Upgraded and simplified the City’s Crewsheet application, used by the City’s operations and facilities staff to record and track work done on City assets, furthering the ability to understand asset condition and aid in sustainable asset management; • Assessed continuous improvement opportunities to advance Guaranteed Permitting Timelines related to drawing submissions/reviews and financial processing; and • Developed Engineering components of the Digital Permitting Expansion Project to improve and accelerate the development approval process by delivering enhanced communication and transparency of application status and improved quality of submissions. For example, Cross-Connection Control Program Database Management in Citizen Portal.


• Completed $12.7M in parkland acquisition expenditures, excluding riparian dedications and parklands transferred through the City land development process, resulting in additional parkland being added to the City’s inventory for the use and enjoyment of all its residents and visitors.

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | General Operating Fund | Engineering


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