City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan


TREASURY OPERATIONS Monitors cash flow and invests funds in a prudent manner, providing investment return and long-term security while meeting daily cash flow needs. This section is responsible for the City’s relationship with its financial institution and credit/debit card payment processor.

PROCUREMENT SERVICES Coordinates the procurement of high quality, cost-effective goods and services, while ensuring all City polices are followed and best practices implemented. This section follows applicable legislation and ensures appropriate public and competitive processes are applied to achieve best value. It provides professional expertise in the areas of Purchasing, Supply Chain Management and Contract Administration.



• Procured and implemented a new E-Procurement tool that will reduce the City’s procurement timelines, while also increasing procurement process exposure to improve competitiveness and transparency. The tool will make procurement opportunities available online to a vast pool of local and non-local suppliers; providing the ability to electronically invite suppliers to respond, resulting in an effective method of tracking submissions, improving evaluations by work flowing processes, and simplifying the electronic distribution of

• Supported the re-operationalization of the Surrey City Development Corporation (“SCDC”); • Collaborated with the Marketing & engagement processes and solicit community feedback on budget priorities through online surveys and open houses throughout the City; and • Supported the revitalization of the Surrey Homelessness and Housing Society ("SHHS") as they returned to a more robust organizational structure through reinstatement of community board members. Communications Division to undertake the 2024 Budget

solicitation documents. It will also assist staff in tracking and analyzing procurement processes to identify and address challenges associated with process bottlenecks and delays;

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | General Operating Fund | Finance


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