City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan



• Continued to reduce the number of paper cheques being issued by the City by increasing enrollment in the electronic payment process.


• Continued with the implementation of a debt and reserve forecasting software application which will provide a tool to guide decision making on the usage and management of reserves and debt to fund City programs; • Continued to review property and liability insurance contracts with insurance providers to obtain competitive rates and coverages; • Continued to perform a detailed claims reserve analysis to identify ways to achieve optimum risk reserve balance; • Continued to develop a capital funding

• Streamlined the business process for the creation of secondary suite penalty invoices to ensure timely delivery of invoices to residents; and • Completed a Request for Proposal (“RFP”) and awarded a contract to Moneris Solutions Corporation as the City’s payment processor in order to continue providing innovative, secure, and reliable payment solutions to the residents and customers of the City.

strategy to deliver community infrastructure while managing borrowing requirements;

Surrey City Hall

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | General Operating Fund | Finance


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