City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan



Implemented data driven decision making capabilities through dashboarding of key financial transactions and balances;

• As part of the new changes under the PSAB standards, the financial reporting team has implemented the adoption of PS3280 (Asset Retirement Obligation) and PS3450 (Financial instruments) to improve transparency and disclosure in the financial statements; and • Explored data driven decision making capabilities to develop graphical operating and capital budget reports for City departments. The reporting options are under review, and the IT team is assisting with this initiative. • Collaborated on online training initiative for payroll timekeepers and self-time entry users; and • Continued to develop the Financial Management System by upgrading the processes, adding increased functionality, and continuing with overall process efficiencies.

• Offered Budgeting, Financial Reporting and Procurement related training sessions to new and existing managers;


• Collaborated on multiple payroll software application enhancements resulting in reduced risk of errors and manual data entry, along with improved efficiencies; • Coordinated with IT and completed the migration of accounting records into SharePoint in 2023; • Received a special Triple Crown medallion, for receiving all three GFOA awards listed below: • The Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the 2023-2027 Financial Plan; • The Canadian Award for Financial Reporting for the 2022 Annual Financial Report; • The Popular Annual Financial Reporting Award for the 2022 Annual Financial Report Highlights; CORPORATE SUSTAINABILITY

Award Winning 2023—2027 Financial Plan

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | General Operating Fund | Finance


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