City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan


• Monitored cashflow and liquidity level to appropriately manage the timing of investment purchases in response to multiple Bank of Canada interest rate increases; • Completed the migration of accounting records and functions back to (“SCDC”) as they begin restarting their operations;

• Ensured that all financial transactions

and reporting met appropriate statutory requirements; and

• Integrated the City’s capital budget management and reporting with the City’s Financial Management System.



• Work with the City’s Marketing & Communications Division to undertake the 2025 Budget engagement process and solicit community feedback on budget priorities; • Assist in the ongoing re operationalization of SCDC; and •

Support the SHHS through ongoing financial reporting as they undertake strategic and operational planning.


• Continue to improve the City’s supplier centric process to improve reconciliation and communication between City and suppliers, ensuring

• Continue to manage the City’s investment portfolio to maximize yield while maintaining safety and liquidity of investments; and • Continue to implement a process of demand planning for Procurement services by collaborating with business leads to forecast goods and services that they expect to procure.

the City is obtaining value while improving on timely payments to suppliers for approved and appropriately charged services and goods;

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | General Operating Fund | Finance


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