City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan


FIRE SERVICES Surrey has a total of 15 fire halls with 23 staffed and 10 cross-staffed apparatus strategically placed throughout the City. Apparatus placement is determined by a combination of community fire risk and workloads. Surrey currently employs 416 fire fighters, of which 16 are paid on call volunteers and 61 community engagement volunteers who are committed to serving and providing fire protection, emergency preparedness and other critical educational services to our growing community. Surrey’s fire fighting equipment includes a wide variety of emergency vehicles made up of fire trucks, rescue vehicles, hazardous response vehicles, aerial towers, an aerial platform, and a mobile command post (which is shared with the RCMP). Surrey Fire Services utilizes data based research and innovation to pioneer programs that focus on prevention. The Community Risk Reduction (“CRR”) initiatives include the Community Property Safety Team, Opioid Second Responder Program, Opioid Community Action Team, HomeSafe Program and Surrey Emergency Program. These programs provide valuable resources to citizens and aim to reduce incidence of injury, loss of life and property damage.

Surrey Fire Department 8767 – 132nd Street Surrey, BC V3W 4P1 604-543-6700 (non-emergency)

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | Community Profile


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