City of Surrey's 2024-2028 Financial Plan



In December 2022, Council approved a plan to retain Surrey RCMP as Police of Jurisdiction (“POJ”). The plan was provided to the Province of British Columbia’s (“BC”) Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General for endorsement of Council’s decision. In April 2023, after reviewing reports provided by the City, RCMP, and Surrey Police Service (“SPS”), the Minister acknowledged that the final decision on choosing the POJ remains with the City of Surrey. City staff are currently working with Mayor and Council to review the report’s recommendations and come to a resolution on the policing transition. The RCMP delivers policing services via the Municipal Police Unit Agreement (the "MPUA") between the Province of BC and the City of Surrey. The MPUA provides for an authorized strength of 843 members, 58 of whom serve Surrey through the Lower Mainland District’s integrated teams. Currently, the City maintains a minimum complement of 785 combined SPS/RCMP officers for adequate and effective policing in Surrey. These officers are administratively supported by over 300 full-time and part time employees plus several auxiliaries and community volunteers. Surrey RCMP continues to deliver policing tailored to Surrey and is committed to maintaining its effective and efficient model of policing during the process of re-staffing a full complement of RCMP officers while reaffirming their status as POJ. Policing Services are being delivered to citizens via the RCMP main detachment at the Justice Complex on Highway 10 and from five community policing stations across Surrey. Citizens needing assistance in an emergency should continue to call 911 or if they wish to report an incident, they should continue to call the non-emergency number 604-599 0502.

Surrey RCMP 14355 – 57th Avenue Surrey, BC V3X 1A9 604-599-0502 (non-emergency)

Surrey Police Service and Surrey Police Board 14265 –57th Avenue Surrey, BC V3X 3P1 and

City of Surrey | 2024—2028 Financial Plan | Community Profile


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